2020年美国食品科技、食品添加剂及食品配料展 IFT
工作Q Q:2851182501
邮 箱:2851182501@qq.com
一、2020 IFT丨美国食品科技展览会丨展会基本介绍:
美国食品科技展览会IFT由美国食品技术协会(Institute of Food Technologists)主办,每年在美国不同的城市轮流举办。该展会有着悠久的历史,迄今已举办了80届。它是美洲地区规模最大最负盛名的国际食品添加剂、食品配料及科技方面的专业展和行业盛会,展会集合了食品行业全球科技成果转化为产品的最新情况,反映了食品工业发展的方向和动态,代表了世界食品科技工业发展趋势。
IFT’s Annual Event and Food Expo is one of the largest events of its kind bringing together science of food professionals from around the globe representing all segments of the science of food profession—research and design, ingredients, safety and quality, technology, equipment, processing, packaging, manufacturing, suppliers and buyers, policy makers, and academics—all converging with the intention to inspire and transform collective knowledge into innovative solutions to help advance our planet’s food safety, nutrition, and sustainability.
Advance your career, your business, the profession, and the future of food all in four transformative days.
Over 23,000 attendees will converge at IFT20 providing you limitless opportunities to make new connections and expand your professional contacts.
Gain insights and meet the people who are driving innovation across the science of food from all over the world.
IFTNEXT sessions challenge you to think big, question and discover, break boundaries and redefine, be challenged and inspired.
二、2020 IFT丨美国食品科技展览会丨展品范围:
▼ 食品添加剂: 酸味剂、抗结剂、消泡剂、抗氧化剂、漂白剂、膨松剂、被膜剂、着色剂、护色剂、复合食品添加剂、乳化剂、 酶制剂、食用香精香料、增味剂、面粉处理剂、水分保持剂、营养强化剂、防腐剂、稳定和凝固剂、甜味剂、稠剂、胶姆糖基础剂;
▼ 食品配料:淀粉、变性淀粉、淀粉糖、糖醇、食用油脂及油脂替代品、专用面粉、酵母制品、低聚糖、植物蛋白、膳食纤维、果蔬及肉类冻干食品、各种馅料、调味料、香辛料、调味品、乳制品、保健食品、动植物提取物、饮料浓缩液、冰淇淋稳定剂、腌制剂;大豆制品、坚果、速溶茶、功能性食品配料、可可制品、蛋制品;
▼ 食品包装材料和机械、食品加工机械、食品检测技术和设备、食品加工技术及设备、食品检测仪器;
▼ 各类有机食品、饮料;
▼ 有关出版物;