1. Rating 额定值: AC 125V A |
2. Circuit 回路: |
3. Timing切换类型: ■Non Shorting □Shorting |
4. CONSTRUCTION 构造 | | | | | |
4.1 Shape and dimensions are subject to drawing 形状、尺寸依图而确定. | | |
4.2 All part not allowed to exist rust、crack and poor plating.各部分应无生锈、裂痕、电镀不良现象. | |
5. Standard test conditions shall be 5 to 35℃ in temperature and 45 TO 85% inhumidity. |
温度5~35℃,湿度45~85%标准状态下测试。 |
6. Operating temperature range -10 to +60℃.温度-10~+60℃ 环境内使用。 |
Item项目 | Test condiction 测试条件 | | Performance 规格 | |
7. Electronical performance电气性能 | |
7.1 | Contact | Being measured at 1 KHz small current | 50mΩ max. | | |
resistance | contact resistance meter. | | | |
接触阻抗 | 在1kHz小电流下测量。 | | 50毫欧以下。 | | |
7.2 | | Measurements shall be made following | | | |
| application of DC 500 V potential | | | |
Insulation | across terminals and across terminals | 100MΩ min. | | |
resistance | and frame for 1 minute. | | | |
绝缘阻抗 | 在端子之间和端子与壳之间加DC 500 V | 100兆欧以上。 | | |
| 条件下,持续1分钟测量。 | | | |
7.3 | | AC 500 V(50Hz or 60 Hz)shall be | | | |
Withstand | applied across terminals and acoss | There shall be no breakdown. | |
voltage | teminals and frame for 1 minute. | | | |
耐电压 | 在端子之间和端子与壳之间加AC 500 V | 无击穿现象出现. | | |
| (50Hz或60Hz)条件下,持续1分钟测量。 | | | |
8. Mechanical performance机械性能 | | | | |
| Operating | Push at root of the knob. | | 20~40gf | | |
8.1 | force | 在推动柄的末端测试。 | | | | |
| 动作力 | | | | | |
| Actuator | A static load of 1kgf being applied in | | The deformation shall not be extrene | |
8.2 | strength | one direction of actuator for 1 minute. | and the actuator shall machanically | |
| 推杆强度 | 一个1公斤静负荷施加于推杆之一个方向 | work normally. | | |
| | 持续一分钟。 | | 推杆无变形,可以正常操作。 |