
竭诚期待您的垂询和合作。联系人殷先生 电话13311639874。规格参数可根据客户要求调整。
Device Dimensions设备尺寸 | Length 8.5 Width 4.5 Height 2.5 meter 8.5*4.5*2.5米 |
Compatibility 兼容标准 | Medical ISO #13485 , FDA_21part11 医疗ISO13485,美国标准FDA_21-11 |
Production rate 设备产能 | 480
assemblies per hour 480PCS/小时 |
Brief functions description 设备优势 | 1. High standard
quality, High efficiency; Long life; high repeatability and stability. 高质量满足医疗设备最高标准、高效率、长使用寿命、高稳定性。 2. Fully
automatic Assembly-Line; specially designed and fitted for sterile, clean
room conditions. 全自动组装线,适用无菌净房环境 3. Based on
special LTS conveyor (Linear Transfer Systems) including Servo; Pneumatics;
Electronic control and inpidual product tracking. 基于线性传输系统,产品全流程可追溯 4. Fitted to
easy change for perse assembly configuration set-ups. 可快速换型、适用多种产品生产 5. The assembly
process employs moving pallets carrying special active fixtures. Assembly
starts with Vibratory feeders and tubes rolls feeding, including: In-line cut
to length; Integrated manipulators; Gluing systems; Final Flow packing and
labeling; Machine-Vision quality control. 大大降低人力需求、可多班连续生产、降低制造成本。 实现从上料、切割管路、绕管、涂胶、组装针头、组装阀等附件、装袋贴标、视觉检测、装箱全自动化生产。 6. Easley flexible Line enables assembly of
versatile configuration parts; Conveyor length changes for adding or
reduction of stations; 模组化设计。可以根据产品快速换型、变更产线长度、增减工站及设备。 7. Employing manual or automatic stations. 兼容手动操作和自动生产两种模式,更具灵活性。 |
Device maintenance 设备维护 | Provided
installation and on-site training. After sale support and remote Ethernet
service assistance. 提供完善的现场培训、及时有效现场售后以及远程Ethernet技术支持。 |