Product Test ConditionsLUXEON 3030 2D Line LEDs are tested with a 20ms monopulse of 120mA at a junction temperature, Tj, of 25°C. Forward voltageand luminous flux are binned at a Tj of 25°C, while color is hot targeted at a Tj of 85°C.Part Number NomenclaturePart numbers for LUXEON 3030 2D Line follow the convention below:L 1 3 0 – A A B B 0 0 3 0 0 0 C 2 DWhere:AA – designates nominal CCT (22=2200K, 27=2700K, 30=3000K, 35=3500K, 40=4000K, 50=5000K, 57=5700K, 65=6500K)BB – designates minimum CRI (70=70CRI, 80=80CRI and 90=90CRI)C – designates package type (W=Round LES, X=Square LES)D – designates Lumileds internal code (1, 2, 3, etc.=shares the same base part)Therefore, the following part number is used for a LUXEON 3030 2D (Square LES), 3000K 80CRI:L 1 3 0 – 3 0 8 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 X 2 1Lumen MaintenancePlease contact your local Sales Representative or Lumileds Technical Solutions Manager for more information about the long-term performance of this product.Environmental ComplianceLumileds LLC is committed to providing environmentally friendly products to the solid-state lighting market. LUXEON 30302D Line is compliant to the European Union directives on the restriction of hazardous substances in electronic equipment,namely the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU and REACH Regulation (EC) 1907/2006. Lumileds LLC will not intentionally add thefollowing restricted materials to its products: lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) orpolybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE).DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 2Performance CharacteristicsProduct Selection Guide

Table 1. Product performance of LUXEON 3030 2D Line at 120mA and 65mA at specified temperature. Luminous Flux [2, 3] (lm) Typical Typical TypicalProduct Nominal Minimum Luminous Luminous Luminous Part Number CCT [1] CRI [2, 3] Minimum Typical Efficacy (lm/W) Flux (lm) Efficacy (lm/W) 120mA 65mA 3000K 70 98 117 163 67 180 L130-3070003000W21 3500K 70 100 119 165 68 183 L130-3570003000W21 4000K 70 101 122 169 70 188 L130-4070003000W21 5000K 70 101 122 169 70 188 L130-5070003000W21 5700K 70 101 122 169 70 188 L130-5770003000W21 6500K 70 101 122 169 70 188 L130-6570003000W21 2200K 80 80 94 131 54 145 L130-2280003000W21 2700K 80 80 107 149 61 165 L130-2780003000W21 LUXEON 3000K 80 85 109 151 62 168 L130-3080003000W21 3030 2D 3500K 80 85 113 157 64 174 L130-3580003000W21 (Round LES) 4000K 80 90 118 164 67 182 L130-4080003000W21 5000K 80 90 118 164 67 182 L130-5080003000W21 5700K 80 90 118 164 67 182 L130-5780003000W21 6500K 80 90 118 164 67 182 L130-6580003000W21 2700K 90 72 90 125 51 138 L130-2790003000W21 3000K 90 75 92 128 52 142 L130-3090003000W21 3500K 90 75 95 132 54 146 L130-3590003000W21 4000K 90 75 98 136 56 151 L130-4090003000W21 5000K 90 75 98 136 56 151 L130-5090003000W21 3000K 70 110 121 168 69 186 L130-3070003000X21 3500K 70 111 123 171 70 189 L130-3570003000X21 4000K 70 117 127 176 72 195 L130-4070003000X21 5000K 70 117 127 176 72 195 L130-5070003000X21 5700K 70 117 126 175 72 194 L130-5770003000X21 6500K 70 111 123 171 70 189 L130-6570003000X21 2200K 80 89 99 138 56 152 L130-2280003000X21 2700K 80 101 112 156 64 172 L130-2780003000X21 LUXEON 3000K 80 102 113 157 64 174 L130-3080003000X21 3030 2D 3500K 80 107 117 163 67 180 L130-3580003000X21 (Square LES) 4000K 80 110 121 168 69 186 L130-4080003000X21 5000K 80 110 121 168 69 186 L130-5080003000X21 5700K 80 110 121 168 69 186 L130-5780003000X21 6500K 80 110 121 168 69 186 L130-6580003000X21 2700K 90 86 95 132 54 146 L130-2790003000X21 3000K 90 88 98 136 56 151 L130-3090003000X21 3500K 90 91 101 140 58 155 L130-3590003000X21 4000K 90 94 104 144 59 160 L130-4090003000X21 5000K 90 94 104 144 59 160 L130-5090003000X21Notes for Table 1:1. Correlated color temperature is hot targeted at Tj=85°C.2. Luminous flux and CRI are specified at Tj=25°. Typical CRI is approximately 2 points higher than the minimum CRI specified, but this is not guaranteed.3. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±2 on CRI and ±7.5% on luminous flux measurements.DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 3Optical CharacteristicsTable 2. Optical characteristics for LUXEON 3030 2D Line at 120mA, Tj=25ºC. Part Number Typical Total Included ANGLE [1] Typical Viewing ANGLE [2] L130-xxxx003000x21 140° 116°Notes for Table 2:1. Total angle at which 90% of total luminous flux is captured.2. Viewing angle is the off axis angle from lamp centerline where the luminous intensity is ½ of the peak value.Electrical and Thermal CharacteristicsTable 3. Electrical and thermal characteristics for LUXEON 3030 2D Line at 120mA, Tj=25ºC. Forward Voltage [1] (Vf) Typical Temperature Typical Thermal Part Number Coefficient of Forward Resistance—Junction Minimum Typical MAXIMUM Voltage [2] (mV/°C) to Solder Pad (°C/W) L130-xxxx003000x21 5.8 6.0 6.6 -2.0 to -4.0 12.0Notes for Table 3:1. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±0.1V on forward voltage measurements.2. Measured between 25°C and 85°C.Absolute Maximum RatingsTable 4. Absolute maximum ratings for LUXEON 3030 2D Line. Parameter Maximum Performance DC Forward Current [1] 240mA Peak Pulsed Forward Current [2] 300mA ESD Sensitivity (ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001-2012) Class 2 LED Junction Temperature (DC & Pulse) 125°C Operating Case Temperature -40°C to 105°C LED Storage Temperature -40°C to 105°C Soldering Temperature JEDEC 020D 260°C Allowable Reflow Cycles 3 Reverse Voltage (Vreverse) [3] -5VNotes for Table 4:1. Residual periodic variations due to power conversion from alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC), also called “ripple”, are acceptable if the following conditions are met: – The frequency of the ripple current is 100Hz or higher – The average current for each cycle does not exceed the maximum allowable DC forward current – The maximum amplitude of the ripple does not exceed 25% of the maximum allowable DC forward current2. Pulse operation with the maximum peak pulse forward current is acceptable if the pulse on time is ≤5ms per cycle and the duty cycle is ≤50%3. At a maximum reverse current of 10µA. LUXEON 3030 2D LEDs are not designed to be driven in reverse bias.DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 4Characteristics CurvesSpectral Power Distribution CharacteristicsFigure 1a. Typical normalized power vs. wavelength for L130-xx70003000x21 at 120mA, Tj=25°C.Figure 1b. Typical normalized power vs. wavelength for L130-xx80003000x21 at 120mA, Tj=25°C.DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 5 Figure 1c. Typical normalized power vs. wavelength for L130-xx90003000x21 at 120mA, Tj=25°C.Light Output Characteristics Junction Temperature [°C] Figure 2. Typical normalized light output vs. junction temperature for L130-xxxx003000x21 at 120mA.DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 6 Estimated Typical Ratio Compared to Flux at Rated Condition 120mA, Tj=25°C.60mA 65mA 100mA 150mA 200mA53% 57% 85% 121% 154% Figure 3. Typical normalized light output vs. forward current for L130-xxxx003000x21 at Tj=25°C.Forward Current Characteristics Figure 4. Typical forward current vs. forward voltage for L130-xxxx003000x21 at Tj=25°C.DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 7Radiation Pattern Characteristics Figure 5. Typical radiation pattern for L130-xxxx003000x21 at 120mA, Tj=25ºC. Figure 6. Typical polar radiation pattern for L130-xxxx003000x21 at 120mA, Tj=25ºC.DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 8Product Bin and Labeling DefinitionsDecoding Product Bin LabelingIn the manufacturing of semiconductor products, there are variations in performance around the average values given in thetechnical datasheet. For this reason, Lumileds bins LED components for luminous flux or radiometric power, color point, peak ordominant wavelength and forward voltage.LUXEON 3030 2D Line LEDs are labeled using a 4- or 5-digit alphanumeric CAT code following the format below. A B C D or A x B C D A – designates luminous flux bin (example: H=90 to 95 lumens, M=110 to 115 lumens) x – designates Lumileds internal code B C – designates color bin (example: 7D, 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H, 7J, 7K, 7L or 7M for 3000K parts) D – designates forward voltage bin (example: G=5.8 to 6.0V, J=6.2 to 6.4V)Therefore, a LUXEON 3030 2D with a lumen range of 90 to 95, color bin of 7J, and a forward voltage range of 5.8 to 6.0V has thefollowing CAT code: H 7 J GLuminous Flux BinsTable 5 lists the standard luminous flux bins for LUXEON 3030 2D Line emitters. Although several bins are outlined, productavailability in a particular bin varies by production run and by product performance. Not all bins are available in all CCTs.Table 5. Luminous flux bin definitions for LUXEON 3030 2D Line at 120mA, Tj=25°C. Luminous Flux [1] (lm) Bin Minimum Maximum D 70 75 E 75 80 F 80 85 G 85 90 H 90 95 J 95 100 K 100 105 L 105 110 M 110 115 N 115 120 P 120 125 Q 125 130 R 130 135 S 135 140 T 140 145Notes for Table 5:1. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±7.5% on luminous flux measurements.DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 9Color Bin Definition Figure 7. 3- and 5-step MacAdam ellipse illustration for Tables 6a-6h. 0.450 0.440 ANSI 2200K 0.430 AJ AK 0.420 AE AF CIE 1931y AD 0.410 AH AG 0.400 AM AL 0.390 0.380 0.470 0.480 0.490 0.500 0.510 0.520 0.530 CIE 1931 x Figure 8a. 1/9th color bin structure for LUXEON 3030 2D Line 2200K, hot-color targeted at 85°C.Table 6a. 3- and 5-step MacAdam ellipse color bin definitions for L130-22xx003000x21 at test current, hot-color targeted at 85°C. Nominal CCT Color Space Center Point [1] Major Axis, Minor Axis, Ellipse Rotation (cx, cy) a b Angle, Θ 2200K Single 3-step MacAdam ellipse (0.5018, 0.4153) 0.008625 0.003975 49.27° 2200K Single 5-step MacAdam ellipse (0.5018, 0.4153) 0.014375 0.006625 49.27°Notes for Table 6a:1. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±0.007 on x and y color coordinates in the CIE 1931 color space.DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 10 0.450 0.440 0.430 8J 8K 0.420 8F CIE 1931y 8E 0.410 8D 8G 0.400 8H 8M 8L 0.390 2580K 2870K 0.380 0.370 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.49 CIE 1931 x Figure 8b. 1/9th color bin structure for LUXEON 3030 2D Line 2700K, hot-color targeted at 85°C.Table 6b. 3- and 5-step MacAdam ellipse color bin definitions for L130-27xx003000x21 at test current, hot-color targeted at 85°C. Nominal CCT Color Space Center Point [1] Major Axis, Minor Axis, Ellipse Rotation (cx, cy) a b Angle, Θ 2700K Single 3-step MacAdam ellipse (0.4578, 0.4101) 0.00810 0.00420 53.70° 2700K Single 5-step MacAdam ellipse (0.4578, 0.4101) 0.01350 0.00700 53.70°Notes for Table 6b:1. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±0.007 on x and y color coordinates in the CIE 1931 color space. 0.445 0.435 0.425 7K 0.415 CIE 1931 y 7J 7E 7F 0.405 7D 7G 0.395 7H 7M 7L 0.385 2870K 3200K 0.375 0.365 0.4050.410 0.415 0.420 0.4250.430 0.435 0.4400.445 0.450 0.455 0.4600.465 CIE 1931 x Figure 8c. 1/9th color bin structure for LUXEON 3030 2D Line 3000K, hot-color targeted at 85°C.Table 6c. 3- and 5-step MacAdam ellipse color bin definitions for L130-30xx003000x21, hot-color targeted at 85°C. Nominal CCT Color Space Center Point [1] Major Axis, Minor Axis, Ellipse Rotation (cx, cy) a b Angle, Θ 3000K Single 3-step MacAdam ellipse (0.4338, .04030) 0.00834 0.00408 53.22° 3000K Single 5-step MacAdam ellipse (0.4338, .04030) 0.01390 0.00680 53.22°Notes for Table 6c:1. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±0.007 on x and y color coordinates in the CIE 1931 color space.DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 11 0.420 0.410 6K 0.400 6J 6F 6E 6D y 0.390 6G 6H 6L 0.380 6M 3250K 0.370 3750K 0.360 0.380 0.390 0.400 0.410 0.420 0.430 0.440 x Figure 8d. 1/9th color bin structure for LUXEON 3030 2D Line 3500K, hot-color targeted at 85°C.Table 6d. 3- and 5-step MacAdam ellipse color bin definitions for L130-35xx003000x21, hot-color targeted at 85°C. Nominal CCT Color Space Center Point [1] Major Axis, Minor Axis, Ellipse Rotation (cx, cy) a b Angle, Θ 3500K Single 3-step MacAdam ellipse (0.4073, 0.3917) 0.00927 0.00414 54.00° 3500K Single 5-step MacAdam ellipse (0.4073, 0.3917) 0.01545 0.00690 54.00°Notes for Table 6d:1. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±0.007 on x and y color coordinates in the CIE 1931 color space. 0.420 0.410 0.400 0.390 5K 5F CIE 1931 y 5J 5E 5D 0.380 5G 5L 0.370 5H 3750K 5M 0.360 4250K 0.350 0.340 0.360 0.365 0.370 0.375 0.380 0.385 0.390 0.395 0.400 0.405 0.410 CIE 1931 x Figure 8e. 1/9th color bin structure for LUXEON 3030 2D Line 4000K, hot-color targeted at 85°C.Table 6e. 3- and 5-step MacAdam ellipse color bin definitions for L130-40xx003000x21, hot-color targeted at 85°C. Nominal CCT Color Space Center Point [1] Major Axis, Minor Axis, Ellipse Rotation (cx, cy) a b Angle, Θ 4000K Single 3-step MacAdam ellipse (0.3818, 0.3797) 0.00939 0.00402 53.72° 4000K Single 5-step MacAdam ellipse (0.3818, 0.3797) 0.01565 0.00670 53.72°Notes for Table 6e:1. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±0.007 on x and y color coordinates in the CIE 1931 color space.DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 12 0.390 0.380 0.370 3K 3F 0.360 3J 3E 3G CIE 1931 y 3D 0.350 3L 3H 4750K 0.340 3M 5250K 0.330 0.320 0.325 0.330 0.335 0.340 0.345 0.350 0.355 0.360 0.365 x Figure 8f. 1/9th color bin structure for LUXEON 3030 2D Line 5000K, hot-color targeted at 85°C.Table 6f. 3- and 5-step MacAdam ellipse color bin definitions for L130-50xx003000x21, hot-color targeted at 85°C. Nominal CCT Color Space Center Point [1] Major Axis, Minor Axis, Ellipse Rotation (cx, cy) a b Angle, Θ 5000K Single 3-step MacAdam ellipse (0.3447, 0.3553) 0.00822 0.00354 59.62° 5000K Single 5-step MacAdam ellipse (0.3447, 0.3553) 0.01370 0.00590 59.62°Notes for Table 6f:1. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±0.007 on x and y color coordinates in the CIE 1931 color space. 0.370 0.360 2K 0.350 2F 2J 2G 0.340 2E 2D y 2L 2H 5250K 0.330 2M 0.320 6000K 0.310 0.310 0.315 0.320 0.325 0.330 0.335 0.340 0.345 0.350 x Figure 8g. 1/9th color bin structure for LUXEON 3030 2D Line 5700K, hot-color targeted at 85°C.Table 6g. 3- and 5-step MacAdam ellipse color bin definitions for L130-57xx003000x21, hot-color targeted at 85°C. Nominal CCT Color Space Center Point [1] Major Axis, Minor Axis, Ellipse Rotation (cx, cy) a b Angle, Θ 5700K Single 3-step MacAdam ellipse (0.3287, 0.3417) 0.00746 0.00320 59.09° 5700K Single 5-step MacAdam ellipse (0.3287, 0.3417) 0.01243 0.00533 59.09°Notes for Table 6g:1. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±0.007 on x and y color coordinates in the CIE 1931 color space.DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 13 0.365 0.355 0.345 1K CIE 1931 y 0.335 1F 1J 1E 1D 1G 0.325 1L 6000K 1H 0.315 1M 7000K 0.305 0.295 0.290 0.295 0.300 0.305 0.310 0.315 0.320 0.325 0.330 0.335 x Figure 8h. 1/9th color bin structure for LUXEON 3030 2D Line 6500K, hot-color targeted at 85°C.Table 6h. 3- and 5-step MacAdam ellipse color bin definitions for L130-65xx003000x21, hot-color targeted at 85°C. Nominal CCT Color Space Center Point [1] Major Axis, Minor Axis, Ellipse Rotation (cx, cy) a b Angle, Θ 6500K Single 3-step MacAdam ellipse (0.3123, 0.3282) 0.00669 0.00285 58.57° 6500K Single 5-step MacAdam ellipse (0.3123, 0.3282) 0.01115 0.00475 58.57°Notes for Table 6h:1. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±0.007 on x and y color coordinates in the CIE 1931 color space.Forward Voltage BinsTable 7. Forward voltage bin definitions for LUXEON 3030 2D Line, Tj=25°C. Forward Voltage [1] (Vf) Bin Minimum Maximum G 5.8 6.0 H 6.0 6.2 J 6.2 6.4 K 6.4 6.6Notes for Table 7:1. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ±0.1V on forward voltage measurements.DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 14Mechanical Dimensions Figure 9a. Mechanical dimensions for LUXEON 3030 2D (Round LES). Figure 9b. Mechanical dimensions for LUXEON 3030 2D (Square LES).Notes for Figures 9a and 9b:1. Drawings are not to scale.2. All dimensions are in millimeters.3. Tolerance: ±0.10mm.DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 15Reflow Soldering Guidelines Tp tp Critical Zone Ramp-up TL to Tp TL Temperature tL Tsmax Tsmin Ramp-down ts Preheat Area 25 Time 25ºC to Peak Time JEDEC J-STD-020D Figure 10. Visualization of the acceptable reflow temperature profile as specified in Table 8.Table 8. Reflow profile characteristics for LUXEON 3030 2D Line. PROFILE FEATURE Lead Free Assembly Preheat Minimum Temperature (Tsmin) 150°C Preheat Maximum Temperature (Tsmax) 200°C Preheat Time (tsmin to tsmax) 60 to 120 seconds Ramp-Up Rate (TL to Tp) 3°C / second maximum Liquidus Temperature (TL) 217°C Time Maintained Above Temperature TL (tL) 60 to 150 seconds Peak / Classification Temperature (Tp) 260°C Time Within 5°C of Actual Temperature (tp) 20 to 40 seconds Ramp-Down Rate (Tp to TL) 6°C / second maximum Time 25°C to Peak Temperature 8 minutes maximumNotes for Table 8:1. All temperatures refer to the application Printed Circuit Board (PCB), measured on the surface adjacent to the package body.JEDEC Moisture SensitivityTable 9. Moisture sensitivity levels for LUXEON 3030 2D Line. level Floor Life Soak Requirements Standard TIme Conditions Time Conditions 3 168 Hours 30°C / 60% RH 192 Hours +5 / -0 30°C / 60% RHDS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 16Solder Pad Design 0.58 0.48 0.05 Solder mask 2.30 2.20 2.10 2.30 Stencil 0.13 1.15 Top copper Package geometric center 0.69 1.33 1.53 Figure 11. Recommended PCB solder pad layout for LUXEON 3030 2D Line.Notes for Figure 11:1. Drawings are not to scale.2. All dimensions are in millimeters.DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 17Packaging InformationPocket Tape Dimensions Figure 12a. Pocket tape dimensions for LUXEON 3030 2D (Round LES). Figure 12b. Pocket tape dimensions for LUXEON 3030 2D (Square LES).Notes for Figures 12a and 12b:1. Drawings are not to scale.2. All dimensions are in millimeters.DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 18Reel Dimensions Figure 13a. Reel dimensions for LUXEON 3030 2D (Round LES). Figure 13b. Reel dimensions for LUXEON 3030 2D (Square LES).Notes for Figures 13a and 13b:1. Drawings are not to scale.2. All dimensions are in millimeters.DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Line Product Datasheet 20180405 ©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. 19About LumiledsCompanies developing automotive, mobile, IoT and illumination lighting applications need a partner who can collaborate withthem to push the boundaries of light. With over 100 years of inventions and industry firsts, Lumileds is a global lighting solutionscompany that helps customers around the world deliver differentiated solutions to gain and maintain a competitive edge. As theinventor of Xenon technology, a pioneer in halogen lighting and the leader in high performance LEDs, Lumileds builds innovation,quality and reliability into its technology, products and every customer engagement. Together with its customers, Lumileds ismaking the world safer, better and more beautiful—with light.To learn more about our lighting solutions, visit©2018 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. Neither Lumileds Holding B.V. nor its affiliates shall be liable for any kind of loss of data or any other damages,LUXEON is a registered trademark of the Lumileds direct, indirect or consequential, resulting from the use of the provided information and data. Although LumiledsHolding B.V. in the United States and other countries. Holding B.V. and/or its affiliates have attempted to provide the most accurate information and data, the and services information and data are provided “as is,” and neither Lumileds Holding B.V. nor its affiliates warrants or guarantees the contents and correctness of the provided information and data. Lumileds Holding B.V. and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes without notice. You as user agree to this disclaimer and user agreement with the download or use of the provided materials, information and data. A listing of Lumileds product/patent coverage may be accessed at LUXEON 3030 2D LineProduct Datasheet 20180405Mouser ElectronicsAuthorized DistributorClick to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information:Lumileds:L130-4080003000W21 L130-5080003000W21 L130-3580003000W21 L130-3080003000W21 L130-5780003000W21 L130-2780003000W21 L130-6580003000W21 L130-5770003000W21 L130-4070003000W21L130-3090003000W21 L130-5070003000W21 L130-2790003000W21 L130-6570003000W21 L130-3590003000W21L130-4090003000W21 L130-3070003000W21 L130-3570003000W21