密度低、强韧性好,红硬性高,化学稳定性好,同时还具有优异的高温抗氧化性能,切削加工过程中不易产生积屑瘤。 It has low density,
high strength .high hot hardness, good chemical stability and excellent high
temperature oxidation resistance. It is hard to form built-up edge in cutting
process. | |
适用于碳钢、合金钢、铸铁、不锈钢和钛合金等难加工材料的高速精加工和半精加工,被加工工件表面非常光洁、平整。 Suitable for high speed finishing and
seme-finishing of carbon steel, alloy steel, cast iron, stainless steel,
titanium alloy and other difficult-to-machine materials with excellent
surface finish. | |