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打豆豆游戏机 产品介绍:
产品特性 Product Features
1. 奇幻的声光电,时尚紧凑的造型,有超强吸引力。
Fantastic sound and light, fashionable and compact appearance, making it has a strong appeal.
2. 对战型的拍拍游戏机,较量双方反应速度。
A PK type naughty beans that compares two players’ reaction speed.
3. 适合各个年龄段的人群,益智健身。
It’s suitable for people of all ages, making you smarter and healthier.
4. 煽动性的提示音配合变光效果,激发玩家对战欲望。
Inflammatory prompt tone combines with the light switching effect, stimulating
players’ PK desire.
5. 产品设计简洁,高度可调,运输方便。
Succinct design, adjustable height, convenient to transport.
产品商用途径 Product’s Commercial Ways
1. 游戏场地多台摆放,壮观而盈利快速。
It’s spectacular and has a quick profit by setting several at your business site.
2. 商场,超市,反斗城,儿童最爱。
Kids’ best love in shopping mall, supermarket and Toys R Us.
3. 少年宫,公园娱乐区,亲子娱乐。
Family entertainment in children’s palace or entertainment zone of park.
4. 商店门口,学校周边,学生课余对战。
Students can PK at store’s doorway or around school after class.
打豆豆亲子游戏机 机台信息
【尺寸】: size (cm): length 73.5 ×wide 121×height 71-91(adjustable)
【高低可调】: Adjustable height
【重量】: 65KG
【size (cm)】: 80X138X50
【重量】 110KG