(一)、产品特性 Product features
v 纯铝材灯体框架结构加ABS底座设计,铝材氧化、ABS抗UV涂层,防止氧化,不易发黄变色,不褪色;
Design of pure aluminum lamp body frame structure with ABS base,Aluminum
Oxidation ,ABS anti-UV coating.can prevent oxidation and discoloration under ultraviolet
v 万向轮设计,自由操控,随心移动,可随意移动到任何地方定点杀菌,消毒;
Fold-able lamp bracket and 360 degree universal wheels make it convenient
for storage and movement.
v 多方位杀菌,根据消毒空间的设计不同,灯管可180°旋转调整适合的角度,杀菌不留死角。
0-180 degree adjustable lamp holder maximize the disinfection area and
sanitizing efficiency, nowhere to hide and run for virus.
v 石英玻璃灯管,紫外线穿透能力更强,强度更大,杀菌能力更强,使用寿命长;
High purity quartz glass, strong UV penetration, 99.99% kill virus and bacteria, long life
v 三档定时选择,消毒完自动关机。
Three time settings, 15min, 30min and 60min. Automatically shutdown
after finish disinfection.
v 智能感应灭灯,防止人误进入,自动灭灯,感应距离3-5米,感应灵敏,再也不用担心小孩乱跑了;
With Intelligent motion sensing function, it will automatically turn off
when people entering the sensing area distance of 3-5 meters, sensitive
sensing, no longer need to worry about children running around.
v 智能感应科技,更多人性化设计,灯亮后10秒直接进入人体感应功能,10秒延时启动,不用担心辐射
Intelligent sensing technology, humanization design. 10 seconds delay start to ensure operator’s health. Motion sensing
function will activate after turning on the lamp for 10 second
v 产品规格齐全,两种功率80W 、120W、150W和200W供用户选择.
80W & 120W & 150W and 200W
is optional.
v 适用场所:客厅、卧室、厨房、卫生间等。
Application Area: Kindergarten,
school, factory, hospital, gym, hotel and restaurant ect .