Andama此款沙漠运动鞋靴有黑色‘绿色、===沙色 迷彩色目前有现货,但是我们线下走货量大,实体店以及各跨境电商、经销商较多,有时产品码数走完,线上更新可能不及时,下单前请先咨询客服,避免耽误亲的时间,谢谢理解-雄鹰厂家。
我司可承接贴牌生产,可根据客户实际要求更改:1.结构;2.材料;3.颜色;4.功能等.定做起订量800双每款. .诚心招全国各地代理
This kind of military boots is available in black "green" and "= = = yellow. However, we have a large number of offline products, and there are many physical stores and cross-border e-commerce and dealers. Sometimes, the number of product yards is finished, and the online update may not be timely. Please consult customer service before placing an order to avoid delaying your time. Thank you for your understanding - Eagle warrior.
Can also accept different brands customized, the price of another negotiation
Our company can undertake OEM production, according to the actual requirements of customers to change: 1; 2. Materials; 3. Color; 4. Functions, etc. from order quantity 800 pairs each. Sincerely invite agents all over the country
Agents can enjoy higher treatment