■ 贴片发光二极管Top SMD
■ 胶体颜色Colloid Color: 透明
■ 发光颜色Emission Color: RGB
■ 半功率角度Viewing Angle :120°
Parameter | Symbol | Condition | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Unit |
Luminous Flux | Iv | If=20mA | 300 | --- | 2000 | mcd |
Forward Voltage | Vf | If=20mA | 1.8 | --- | 2.4 | V |
Peak Wavelength | λp | If=20mA |
| --- |
| nm |
Dominant Wavelength | λd | If=20mA | 620 | --- | 630 | nm |
Reverse Current | Ir | Vr=5V |
| 5 | µA |
Viewing Angle | 2θ1/2 | If=20mA |
| 120 |
| deg |
Parameter | Symbol | Condition | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Unit |
Luminous Flux | Iv | If=20mA | 800 | --- | 1000 | mcd |
Forward Voltage | Vf | If=20mA | 2.8 | --- | 3.4 | V |
Peak Wavelength | λp | If=20mA |
| --- |
| nm |
Dominant Wavelength | λd | If=20mA | 520 | --- | 530 | nm |
Reverse Current | Ir | Vr=5V |
| 5 | µA |
Viewing Angle | 2θ1/2 | If=20mA |
| 120 |
| deg |
• Indicator [指示]
• Lighting [照明]
• Decoration 医疗]
• Back-light [背光源]
• Others [美容]
soldering iron of less than 20W is recommended to be used in Hand Soldering.
Please keep the temperature of the soldering iron under 350℃ while soldering. The
LED can be soldered one time only and the soldering time must be less than 3
seconds. Be careful because the damage of the product may happen in hand
soldering process.
1. 开封前,产品应保存在温度≤30℃,相对湿度≤60%的条件下。
2. 开封前,请首先确认包装袋有无漏气;开封后检查湿度指示卡30%RH标示区有无由蓝色变成粉红色现象,如果漏气或变色,请停止使用并联系本公司。本产品自出厂日期起须3个月内使用完。
3. 开封后,所有产品必须在12小时内使用完。对于开封后未使用完的产品,应保存在温度
ESD (静电防护)
静电会损坏发光二极管, 接触发光二极管的过程中请使用防静电手腕或戴防静电手套.所有装置、仪器和机器必须完好接地。