This specification applies to VFD module (Model No: 40S203DA4) manufactured by SSVD (Shanghai Samsung Vacuum Devices).
* Simple connection to the host system. Either parallel or serial input interface can be selected.
* +5VDC Single Power Supply: Built in DC/DC Converter.
* One chip MICOM offers ASCII(96 characters) + (122 characters) or ASCII + Japanese Katakana(128 characters) Font.
* High quality blue-green(505 nm) vacuum fluorescent display provides an attractive and readable medium. Other colors can be achieved by simple wavelength filters.
* 4 Brightness Level: 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%
* Character Format: 5*7 Dot Matrix
* The module has up to 16 user definable characters.
* Avoid applying excessive shock or vibration beyond the specification for the VFD module.
* Since VFDs are made of glass material, careful handling is required. i.e. Direct impact with hard material to the glass surface(especially exhaust tip) may crack the glass.
* When mounting the VFD module to your system, leave a slight gap between the VFD glass and your front panel. The module should be mounted without stress to avoid flexing of the PCB.
* Avoid plugging or unplugging the interface connection with the power on, otherwise it may cause the severe damage to input circuitry.
* Slow starting power supply may cause non-operation because one-chip MCU won't be reset.
* Exceeding any of maximum ratings may cause the permanent damage.
* Since the VFD modules contain high voltage source, careful handling is required during powered on.
* When the power is turned off, the capacitor does not discharge immediately. The high voltage applied to the VFD must not contact to the ICs. And the short-circuitry of mounted components on PCB within 30 seconds after power-off may cause damage to those.
* The power supply must be capable of providing at least 10 times the rated current, because the surge current can be more than 5 times the specified current consumption when the power is turned on.
* Avoid using the module where excessive noise interference is expected. Noise may affects the interface signal and causes improper operation. And it is important to keep the length of the interface cable less than 50cm.
* Since all VFD modules contain C-MOS ICs, anti-static handling procedures are always required.