厂家直销圆盘阻尼转轴,圆盘式任意悬停铰链,阻尼力可调转盘阻尼铰链DT12SP01,大扭矩圆盘阻尼轴,阻尼圆盘使用角度Using the Angle:>360°
产品材质Body materia: steel
旋转轴材料Rotatingshaft material: steel
Applicable to car DVD, EVD, portable DVD, learning machine, medical equipment, small and medium-sized display screen and need to turn on the components。he hinge can adjust the Angle at the same time to provide the positioning function
温州吉姆精密科技有限公司 |
浙江省温州市龙湾区蒲州街道璟悦府2号楼101室D501号 |
13205773278 郭先生 |