Founded in Yiwu, Zhejiang, our company focuses on international logistics freight forwarder.The company gives full play to its overall advantages, and its international logistics services cover a wide range of professional fields, including shipping, air freight, multimodal transport, bonded logistics, supply chain scheme design, etc.Targeting seven Middle Eastern countries(Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Sharjah, etc), carry out FCL, bulk cargo, door-to-door double customs clearance cargo transportation and delivery business.The main business scope includes general cargo, dangerous goods cargo, bulk goods, bulky goods import and export transportation, warehousing, etc.And there are large storage warehouses in Yiwu and Guangzhou.With the principle of "customer first, reputation first, service first", your company is committed to customizing a full set of professional logistics service solutions for customers.
本公司成立于浙江义乌,是一家专注于从事国际物流货运代理的公司。本公司充分发挥整体优势,国际物流服务涵盖广泛,涉及海运,空运,多式联运,保税区物流,供应链方案设计等专业领域,面向中东(迪拜、沙特阿拉伯、阿曼)开展整柜,散货,门到门双清关货物运输,主营业务范围包括普通货物,危险品货物,散杂件,大件货物进出口运输,仓储等,承接国内各地至阿联酋七国运输,在义乌和广州均设有大型仓储仓库,贵公司凭着“顾客至上、信誉至上、服务至上”原则,致力于为客户订做专业物流服务方案。 迪拜双清到门和传统港到港物流对比优势主要体现在
1, 简化了中国出口和迪拜进口的进出口报关程序,并且双清关更安全。
2, 货物到港后,不再像传统到港货物那样,需要收货人到港自提,而是直接清关派送,为客户解决了提货的困扰
3, 所有的货物包含关税,收货人不再交额外费用。
4, 双清到门时间会比传统到港的时间会更短。