Mercury-4E 精密激光剥线系统
Laser Wire Solutions’ Mercury- 4 E laser wire stripper is an extended version of
the highly popular Mercury- 4 model, allowing for a greater number of wires to
be processed at any one time. LaserWireSolutions的Mercury-4E激光剥线器是非常流行的
The Mercury- 4 E is an excellent multi- purpose tool for any precision wire
stripping requirements. Designed with cost in mind for general purpose stripping
of performance electronics. Mercury-4E是一款适用于任何精密剥线要求的优秀多用途工具。设计
Unlike conventional laser wire strippers, the Mercury- 4 E utilizes high speed
double-sided galvo- scanner technology. This allows high accuracy positioning of
the laser beam at unprecedented speeds. 与传统的激光剥线器不同,Mercury-4E采用了高速
双面galvo扫描仪技术。这允许以前所未有的速度对激光束进行高精度定位 。
Compact 紧凑型
Smallest footprint laser wire stripper on the market: 6”x 14” ( 15 2 mmx3 5 5 mm)
and can be easily retrofitted into existing production lines.
激剥线机尺寸152mmx355mm, 容易放入生产线集成。
Clean and Precise 清洁性&精确性
Nick- free stripping, with ±0.1mm repeatability for the best quality every time. In
built camera allows the whole process to be monitored. 无缺口剥离,可重复性为
Versitile 多样性
Strips single conductor, coax and ribbons; 0.0010mm2 to 16mm2 (50 AWG to 6 AWG).
All insulations. With dual (X & Y) axis motion it handles all strip types: cross-cut,
windows and area ablation; and any shapes.带状单导线、同轴电缆和带状电缆;0.0010mm2至
16mm2(50 AWG至6 AWG),所有绝缘层。通过双轴(X和Y)运动,可以处理所有类型的剥线:横