宁波市科技园区港集隆包装材料有限公司的主要产品为:纸托盘.(纸栈板.纸卡板.纸托板.纸铲板.纸拖板)、免熏蒸木托盘(木卡板.木栈板.木托板.木拖板.木铲板)纸护角板(PVC护角板)、滑托板(塑料滑托板)、集装箱缓冲气袋(集装箱缓充气袋)、超大体积的海运纸箱和特高强度的航空纸箱等。另外我公司供应推拉器.柔性打包带(捆绑带)保温钉(塑料芯.铁芯)便捷、高效、环保是我们产品的特点。 公司坐落在国家级高新技术产业园区-宁波市科技园区,2003年由欧美留学生,材料学博士和包装业内人士共同组建而成。受到国务院包装改进办,中国包装协会和科技园区领导的大力支持,吸纳了海运、海关和包装材料学等多方贤才。 专业于出口货物的物流运输包装。业务范围包括相关环保类包装材料的提供;整体包装方案的策划和实施;出口目的地国家最新包装物市场准入标准的咨询。 主要服务对象为出口型实业企业、外商采购集团和综合性外贸公司。依托快速发展的宁波港和高速增长的浙江经济,为当地和异地的出口集装箱货物的运输包装提供服务。 提倡环保和人文,紧跟新材料的发展和物流技术的发展来丰富和完善公司的产品以及服务,以能适应快速商检和快速物流的需要。 热忱期待我们的产品和服务能与您的产品一起走向世界,畅销国际市场!
Ningbo City, Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Set LAI Limited packaging materials for the main products : Paper tray. (Delitai Paper-pallet Science &. card paper plate. Paper pallets. Backhoe paper plate. Paper extension units), - wooden pallet fumigation (Muka plate. wooden pallet. wooden pallets. Wood extension units. wooden spade board) for paper plate angle (angle for PVC plates), Smooth pallets (sliding plastic pallets), the buffer container airbags (containers ease inflatable bags), super-large volume of seaborne cartons and special high-intensity air boxes, and so on. Also, I just try to supply for the company. Flexible packaging bands (tied with) nail insulation (plastic core. Core) convenient, efficient, Environmental protection is the features of our products. Companies located in the state-level high-tech industrial park-Ningbo Municipal Science and Technology Park, 2003 students from Europe and the United States. Dr. materials and packaging industry together a merger. Improved packaging by the Office of the State Council, China Packing Association and the Science and Technology Park in the strong support of the leadership, to absorb the sea, Customs and packaging materials, such as multi-achievers. Specialized in the export of goods logistics and transport packaging. Business related to environmental protection, including packing materials provided; Packaging overall program planning and implementation; The latest export destination countries packaging market access standards counseling. Serve mainly to the export-oriented industrial enterprises, foreign-procurement groups and comprehensive foreign trade companies. Rely on the rapid development of Ningbo port, and high-speed economic growth in Zhejiang, for the local and off the export container cargo transport packaging services. Promoting environmental protection and humanities, closely follow the development of new materials and the development of logistics technology to enrich and improve the company"s products and services. a licensing system can adapt to the rapid and rapid logistics needs. We look forward to the enthusiasm of products and services and your products together to the world, and the best-selling international market!