英国生产制造,世界著名品牌Linx6900喷码机,是性能价格比极高的,高质量、高稳定性、中文界面的全自动喷墨打印机,是贵公司电子监管码赋码的必备首选设备!该喷码机集合了一系列的创新设计特点,使该机操作简单,故障率低。Linx 6900配合Linx墨水,为线缆、建筑管材、汽车配件、电子、塑胶、塑料、食品饮料、化工行业提供了最完美的标识解决方案。坚固的喷头设计,电线和管路等都牢固地密封在喷头上,清洗喷头时操作更快捷更容易;防漏电磁阀设计,保证了喷头的更可靠的操作性能。
喷头的自动清洗功能,充分配合自动化生产线的运转。The Linx 6900 Swift continuous inkjet printer delivers consistent print quality at high speeds, without compromising ease of use and reliability. The Linx 6900 Swift also includes a narrow print font for coding and marking into limited spaces such as bottle tops.The full colour screen and simple menu structure provide quick and easy code set-up and minimise coding errors.The Linx 6900 Swift inkjet printer can apply up to 2 lines of text, with print speeds of up to 6.8m/s for 1 line product identification codes.With a choice of IP55 (washdown) and IP65 (dust proof) rated enclosures, the Linx 6900 Swift works reliably in virtually any production conditions. As with all Linx ink jet printers, the Linx 6900 Swift does not need factory air, so is easy to install and move between production lines. A range of Linx inks are available for many product identification applications.· Full colour screen and simple menu structure· Wide range of print formats· Narrow print fonts for compact legible codes· Choice of fast drying inks to meet high speed production line requirements· Automatic printhead cleaning and printer shutdown minimize the need for manual intervention and provide error-free power down· Compact design with plug-in connectors for easy set-up and movement between production lines· No ink tank changes between services saving both cost and time简洁的喷头设计–LINX喷头设计先进、简单,采用全密封设计,喷头部分没有活动部件或电线,减少了维修保养,提高了可靠性,喷头装有不锈钢护壳,密封性能好,在恶劣环境下(诸如潮湿、粉末、灰尘)仍能有效运行。独特的专利喷印控制技术-内置自动控制系统更易于操作,即使在有震动的环境下,仍能保持最佳的喷头性能。独特的自调感应器自动调节墨点形成:喷头内置“飞行时间”感应器,通过测量喷头处墨滴的瞬间喷射速度,来自动控制油墨的浓度,排除了其他机种必须的粘度计。这这自检系统可以连续不断地进行自动调节。语言及字符设置-可用欧洲语言文字进行编程,亦可选用中文或日文。满足IP55/65防云尘防水标准,不锈钢蛤式外壳,不需要外加气源的支持,所有风扇冷却的空气通气路径都经过绕道过滤,防止水气/尘进入,适用于几乎所有生产环境使用,针对特别潮湿的生产环境,如饮料、矿泉水、食品、碑洒、白酒等需清洗清洁的生产线更是适合。不会出错的油墨和溶剂添加:加在喷印的同时执行添加,减少了停机时间:添加时不需打开喷码机机盖,减少了其他部件暴露在外的机会,同时油墨/溶剂瓶和加注口采用不同直径与颜色,保证添加时不会出错。