LM55平行推拉门此系列在LM55内开内倒的基础上改进而成的。拥有内开内到窗的所有的优点的前提下完成平行推拉开启功能,集推拉门窗节省空间和平开门窗高密封性能于一身,满足人们更高的生活要求。适合别墅,酒店,会所等高档建筑。1.隔热性能强,UF值:2.7W/(M2.K)2.优质的EPDM3道密封,气密,水密,隔热性能俱佳3.排水槽优化设计,积水排出方便4.选用进口配件,操作方便灵活5.连接件特别设计,保证了足够的连接强度6.压线安装方便,外观可选范围广LM55 Parallel and Sliding doorThis series is improved basis on LM55 tilt& turn window, finish the parallel and sliding function while preserving the advantages of LM55, congregate the space saving and meet high quality living requirement, suitable for villa, hotel, chambered etc1. Diathermanous coefficient K=2.7W (M2.K) 2. Excellent EPDM gasket tr-seled and got perfect airproof, waterproof and sound isolation.3. Waterspout optimized design, sleeper drain convenient4. Imported hardware, convenient and flexible cooperation5. Link accessories special design insure the enough connection intensity6. Glazing bead is easy to install and got various choose of the appearance. Sales Manager
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