Synthetic Non-inflammable hydraulic oils 本系列产品由可生物降解的新戊基多元醇酯为基础油加有高效复合添加剂组成,取代矿物型抗燃液压油使用,是符合环保要求的绿色润滑油。HIRI 1011 series oils was designed to replace antiwear,fire-resistant,mineral oil-based hydraulic fluids. They are formulated utilizing neopentyl polyol esters,biodegradablebase oils, and incorporate several complex additives to provide high performances. Furthermore, it meets environmental protection’s need. 适用于苛刻条件下工作的炼钢厂连铸生产线转包、精整等各液压系统,热轧厂卷筒机液压系统、金属熔化等高温操作、焊接自动装置、煤矿等地下采掘、输送系统、机械热加工、热处理等液压系统,电站伺服机构,森林、野外作业机械等高温、高压、高速运转液压系统产品操作压力30Mpa以上;使用温度为-20℃~150℃Suitable for the high temperature, high pressure and high speed hydraulic pressure system of blast furnace, rolling mill, foundry, power station, colliery, etcOperation pressure > 30Mpa; operation temperature: -20℃~150℃ 其使用寿命高出矿物液压油三倍以上高闪点、高燃点、低挥发度、使用安全良好的热氧化稳定性,满足高温苛刻条件良好的抗腐蚀、防锈性能、抗泡性、破乳化性良好的金属和非金属材料适应性,与矿油型相近易生物降解、不污染环境,符合环保要求At least 3 times longer oil life than mineralhydraulicoil’sHigh flash point, high ignition point, lowvolatility, make safely operationLonger oil life and safer operation through outstanding oxidation control and thermal stability at elevated temperaturesExcellent performance in terms of rust and corrosion prevention, water separability, foam controlGood applicability to metal or nonmetal material, compatible with mineral oilsBiodegradable, environment-friendly