1.性能与特点Functions and Characters适用于牛奶、乳酸奶、豆奶、果汁饮料等饮品类的生产包装,该机设计合理,可编程逻辑控制光电气动。整机自动落杯、定量灌装、封口、日期打印、切边全过程气动控制,性能稳定,生产效率高,封口质量极佳,是中型企业饮品类包装的理想设备。It is suitable for the packing of drinks, such as milk, sour milk, and soy milk, fruit juice. The machine has a reasonable design, can compile discharging pneumatically. It can also work automatically from cup dropping, to quantitative filling, to sealing, to date printing, and then to edge cutting. It has high product efficiency, excellent seaming quality, and it is an ideal equipment for medium sized drink enterprise. 价格面谈