集成式启闭机是一种机电液一体的新型启闭机构,它以液压缸为主本,油泵、电动机、油箱、滤油器、液压控制阀组合的总成。工作原理是以电机动力源,电机带动双向油泵输出压力油,通过油路集成块等元件驱动活塞杆来控制闸门的开关。电动机、油泵、液压控制阀和液压缸可装在同一轴线上,也可按需要装置在不同轴线上,只需接通电动机的控制电源,即可使活塞杆位移往复运动。液压控制阀组合是由溢流阀、调速阀、液压单向阀等阀组组成,可根据启闭机的工作特性设计不同油路形式的组合阀满足其工作要求。活塞杆的伸缩由电动机正反向旋转控制,具有动作灵活,行程控制准确,具有自动过载保护等性能,当运行受阻时,油路中压力增高到调定的限额,溢流阀迅速而准确地溢流,实行过载保护,电机运转在额定值内不会烧毁。当启闭机运行到调定行程终端时,启闭机油路集成块中设计了自锁机构,电机停止,活塞杆则自锁在此位置上,处于保压状态。Working principle Integrated hoist is a new type of electro-hydraulic hoist. Its main structure is hydraulic cylinderst. Beside the hydraulic cylinderst, it is built up of five parts that are hudranlic pump, hydraulic valve group, oil tank , motor purolator. They can all be mounted on the same axile or on the different axiles, if necessary. The power connected with motor can drive the positon rod movin back and forth. The stretch and draw back of piston rod also be controlled by motor’s forward and backward directions. The hydraulic system is composes of overflow valve, governing valve, and hydraulic one –way valve ect. This kind of composed valve can be especially designed with different oil paths according to the working specialies of hoists to satisfy your requirement. The piston is controlled by motor, so action flexible, precise itinerary and with automatic overload protection. The piston on the locking hoist or on the integrated hoist,can be stopped when is if in operation and the piston rod is also move less in spite of acting of outside force on it.the non-locking type hoist can be moving on the outside