沧州恒泰管件有限公司是专业生产各种不锈钢管件、卡压式管件、卡压式管件螺纹接头、精铸件、快速接头、软管接头、阀门等各种管道配件厂家.并可根据客户要求自行设计,生产其他类型的不锈钢制品。严格按照国际标准生产并以“质量第一,信誉至上”的企业精神为宗旨,公司本着“对社会负责,对企业负责,对自己负责,对用户负责”的经营理念,竭力满足每个客户提出的要求,材质有SUS304、SUS316等。 Cangzhou Hengtai Pipe FittingCompany Ltd.is the specialized production each kind ofStainless steel screwed pipe fitting, Casting fittings,press-fittings, press-fittingsscrewedcouplings,Pipe fittings, Pipe couplings,the valve and so on each kind of pipeline fitting factory and may independently design according to the customer request, produces other types the stainless steel product. Str. 我们真诚的希望国内外新老客户在合作中加深了解,在合作促进友谊,并期待建立长久良好的伙伴关系,更热情欢迎您的光临,指导洽谈业务。 We sincerely hope to deepen the understanding and promote friendship among newly-developed and regular customers during cooperation.And expect to establish long-term and friendly partnership between each other. With more hospitality,we welcome you to visit and direct us as well as negotiating business.