东莞市萨浦刀锯有限公司专业生产各种环形刀带生产的产品广泛用于 卫生纸厂 海绵厂 鞋厂 皮革厂 内衣厂 手袋厂 EVA厂受到客户的一致好评!萨浦商务专员 董键竭诚为您服务! 来电请至:13825757488萨浦刀锯有限公司位于广东省东莞市中堂镇,南临深圳,北靠广州,紧临107国道。公司拥有高技术的设备管理人员,设备技术不断更新。公司产品性能稳定,刀刃锋利,焊口牢固,经久耐用。生产的片皮机带刀、铲皮机带刀、EVA剖台机带刀、运剪机带刀、海绵机械带刀、绒带机带刀、各种环形带刀、切纸带刀、造纸机刮刀、木工带锯、家俬带锯、鞋材带锯、大理石带锯、热处理带钢等远销国内外,受到广大客户的一致好评!Located in zhongtang Town in DongGuan,Guangdong,Dongguan Sharp Cutting Tools Co.,Ltd.Faces Shenzhen in the South and leans against Guangzhou in the North.The factory has the equipment managing staff with excellent skills and the updating technology. The products are stable in producing ability with the sharp edge,firm welding,and nice duration.Sold around China and the world,also well accepted by all the customers,our products include splitting machine belt cutter,shovel machine beil cutter,EVA splitting machine belt cutter,cutting machine belt cutter,foam machineery belt cutter velvet-strip needle loom belt cutter,endless beltcutter,paperbelt cuuter,doctor device of paper machine,woodworking band saw,furniture band saw,shoes materials band saw,marble band saw,and heat treatment strip steel.