用于纸浆的粗选、净化。通过频率振动将粗浆中的骨节,薄膜及其它粗大杂质筛出。良浆经 过筛板进入下道工序,该机具有结构简单、维修简便、生产费用低、生产效率高等优点,是制浆 生产理想的浆料筛选设备。本设备分为高频振框式、高频自振式、低频自洗式三种。
Uses for pulp roughing and purification. the joints, film and other impurities will weed out through Frequency vibration in the rough slurry .the fine pulp will go into a next process.This equipment has simple structure, easy maintenance, low production costs, higher production efficiency advantages,which is the ideal size screening equipment. The equipment has three types such as, high-frequency vibration-frame, high-frequency vibration-type, low-frequency self- washing.