MP/JA系列电子天平 MP/JA Series Electronic Balance 特点:
◆ 优化设计,性能更佳。
◆ 电磁式称量传感器,为高精度产品提供了可靠保证。
◆ 实现超轻物品的称重计算及单位转换和百分比计算。
◆ 备有标准砝码可进行多点校准。
◆ 双量程天平,一台天平具有二个量程、二个精度。
◆ 性能价格比优越。
◆ 具有RS232数据接口。
◆ Rational design, better function.
◆ Electromagnetic gauge transducer approves guarantee for high sensitive produces.
◆ Using for super light substance in gauge, units selection and percentage counting.
◆ Installed with standard weight and collated in many site.
◆ Double range Balance has two precision. It was one, but two ranges.
◆ Good function, suitable price.
◆ Installed with RS232 data interface. MP/JA系列电子天平 技术参数 Specification 型号Model 最大称量值Capacity 可读性Readability 称盘直径Pan Diameter 价格(含税) MP200B 210g 10mg ф110mm 3800 MP500B 510g 10mg ф140mm 4600 MP1100B 1100g 10mg ф140mm 5050 MP2000B 2100g 10mg ф160mm 6300 MP4000B 4100g 100mg ф160mm 4900 JA12002 1200g 10mg ф160mm 5800 JA21002 2100g 10mg ф160mm 6300 JA31002 3100g 10mg ф160mm 6900 型号 技术参数 秤盘尺寸 价格 MP200A电子精密天平 210g/1mg ф90mm 4800.00