美国KAPAK AMPAC取样袋 包装袋
深圳市罗杰科技长期代理销售美国KAPAK(AMPAC)聚酯样品(取样)袋 ,欢迎各商家真诚合作。
Polyester Pouches, Kapak(AMPAC)
Boilable, freezable, and microwavable polyester bags combine tensile strength with strong heat seals and superior barrier properties. Will sustain temperatures from –56 to 115°C (–70 to 240°F). Safe for use with concentrations of formaldehyde, most acids, alkalies, greases, oils, and organic solvents. Transparent, airtight, moisture- and odor-proof.
无菌的,可煮的, 可冷冻的,可在微波炉里高温加热的聚酯样品(取样/采样)袋具备高的拉伸强度, 超级的热收缩密封和气密性。 温度使用范围/耐温度范围: 零下 56摄氏度 至 115摄氏度。在福尔马林, 蚁醛, 甲醛, 酸,碱,油脂,矿物油,和有机溶剂介质环境下可以安全使用。样品袋透明,气密,防潮防臭。
样品袋具备无菌,无离子,可高温,可冷冻,三层结构,符合ASTM F-1249 和ASTM D-3985 标准
Regular weight pouches (2.5mil) are for moderate protection from handling and chemical or environmental contact.
常规重量样品袋(2.5mil)适用于科研和工业领域; 也适用于长期的密封保存和邮寄。
Heavy-duty pouches (4.5mil) are for institutional and industrial use; they are also suitable for long-term storage and mailing.
超重样品袋(4.5mil) 适用于科研和工业领域; 也适用于长期的密封保存和邮寄
Seal using vacuum or commercial heat-sealing equipment.