早餐谷物、玉米薄脆片食品生产线/Breakfast Cereal Process Line
Breakfast Cereal Food is one kind of crispy food which is processed by this line and adopt grist as basic material. It is fast and nourishing food with given structure, such as granule shape, flake shape and animal shape. Its outstanding characteristic is containing abundant compound carbohydrate and meal fibre. Breakfast cereal can not only strengthen lots of microelement such as vitamin and functional drink. Children can eat breakfast cereal as sweet crispy snack.
技术参数型 号 SLG65-CJ型生产线 SLG65-DJ型生产线 总装容量 85.97kw 88.56kw 实耗功率 56kw 57kw 生产能力 100~150㎏/h 120~160㎏/h 外形尺寸 34500×2000×2600mm 35500×2000×2600mm