RTC series low-noise centrifugal roof exhaust fan (aluminum)
Depend on the past successful experience on low-noise roof centrifugal fans, and assimilated the advantage of the congeneric products, our company has developed and consummated the RTC series low-noise centrifugal roof exhaust fan by taking the new industry design idea, accurate calculating and the repeating experimentation. This product is new, beautiful, high efficient and energy saving.
RVF series fan has 8 models according the difference of the impeller diameter: 300、425、500、575、675、750、900、1000, the airflow is from 329m3/H to 57200m3/h. The highest static pressure reaches 650Pa.
We also can develop the special fan according to customer’s parameters, to meet the special project situation and realize the best match.
Products Characteristics
Fan impeller:Use the “Ordro series” impeller which is optimized by the CFD technology and made up of high quality aluminum alloy, the impeller is processed by pressing and moulding, it is in compact structure, big airflow, low noise and high efficient.
2.风机配套电机 :用防护等级IP54、绝缘等级F,温升等级B级电机,如配绝缘等级为H级,产品可在280℃/45min高温环境下连续运行;另也可配防爆电机、双速电机和变频电机。
Matched motor:Use the B-class motor with IP54, and isolation class F, when the isolation class is H, the products can be contantly operated under 280℃/45min, also can use the blast proof motor, two-speed motor and frequency conversion motor.
3.机 壳:本风机整体结构强度按50m/s极端室外风速的条件进行设计。风机采用铝合金材质,经拉伸、圈边等加工,在保障风机足够强度的前提下,提高了风机外形的美观,减轻了风机的自重,降低了对屋顶基础的强度要求,且抗风能力较好。
Fan crust:It is made up of aluminum alloy, the whole fan structure intensity is designed according to the extreme outside wind speed under 50m/s, it has a quite good wind resistance ability.
4.风 帽:采用铝合金制造,整体拉伸成型,并经圈边处理。专利技术,重量轻,强度高,风阻小。
Funnel cap:It is made up of aluminum alloy, flat ,streamline, modularized, with patent technology, in low weight, high intensity, small wind resistance, suitable for ventilation.
Current collector:Use the special design to make the impeller leading flow opening match with the air inlet, to effectively control the airflow, reduce the noise and improve the fan efficiency.
Fixing bracket:Numerical control preparing material, moulding, punch machining of the fixing hole, it is easy for installation.
7.传动装置 gearing:本系列风机采用皮带传动,这种传动形式可以根据不同的带轮配置来达到一定的风机转速,能更好地匹配实际工况要求。风机轴经过调质处理和平衡测试,其第一临界转速大于风机最大运行速度的1.3倍,皮带轮选用欧式带轮。
Gearing:This series fan uses the strap gearing, this driving method can reach the stated air rotate speed, perfectly match with the project situation. The fan bearing has been treated and tested, and its critical rotate speed is 1.3 times than the fan’s highest operation speed, the strap is European type.
8.风 阀:采用重力自动关闭式或电动驱动启闭式。重力自动关闭式风阀框架材质为热镀锌板,百叶材质为铝合金;电动驱动启闭式风阀叶片采用铝合金保温型百叶制造,防结露,防气流倒灌,尤其适合北方严寒地区使用。排烟通风二用,可选配排烟防火阀,风机、排烟防火阀均已通过国家消防型式试验。
Air valve:Use the gravitational automatic turnoff or electric driving startup and turnoff. The air valve for gravitational automatic turnoff is made up of hot galvanized casing and aluminum alloy leaflet, the air valve for electric driving startup and turnoff is made up of aluminum alloy heat preservation leaflet, dew eliminating, prevent from air flow backword, especially suitable for the freezing area. Both for smoke exhaust and ventilation, can be matched with the smoke exhaust fireproof valve, the fan and the fireproof valve all have been proved by national fireproof standard.
Installation and maintenance:The motor shield is in button loop-type, it is easy for operation.
Steady operation:This series fan has the small running inertia, high acting balance precision, the balance precision reaches ISO1940 G2.5 level, the whole machine has passed the mechanism, libration and pneumatic control examination, to ensure the steady and reliable operation. It also can extend the life span of the fan, reduce the noise and minish the libration.
Remark:The fan rotate speed in the parameter sheet is: 460rpm、560rpm、720rpm、960rpm、1450rpm, the driving method can be motors direct connection.