KD-40钻井液用页岩抑制剂磺化沥青是广泛用于钻井液中的理想添加剂。它的主要作用是抑制泥页岩水化膨胀,改善泥饼质量,保护油层,同时也具有很好的防塌效果。一.技术指标 项目 指标 PH 8~9 水分含量,% ≤8.0 磺酸钠基含量,% ≥10.0 水溶物含量,% ≥70.0 油溶物含量,% ≥25.0 高温高压滤失量, ≤25.0 塑性粘度降低率。% ≥30.0 动切力降低率。% ≥40.0 二.用法及用量 适用于钻井泥浆,一般用量2%-5%。三.包装及储运注意事项 1.两层包装,外层为三合一编织袋,内层为高强度薄膜袋。净重25kg。 2.运输、储存中防挤压、雨淋。 3.有效期两年。
郑召国 河南省铭泰化工有限公司
邮箱: hnmingtai@163.com
KD - 40 with shale inhibitors drilling fluid can be widely used for sulphonated asphalt the ideal additive. Its main effect is inhibiting clay shale hydration expansion, improve the quality of mud cake, protecting reservoir, also has the very good control effect of collapse. A. Technical indicators project indicators PH 8 ~ 9 moisture content, % acuities 8.0 sulfonic acid sodium based content, % p 10.0 water soluble content of 70.0 p, % oily dissolve content, high temperature and high pressure 25.0 % p, filtration 25.0 plastic viscosity reduced rate more than. % p deals 30.0 move lower rates. % p. Usage and dosage 40.0 two suitable for drilling mud, general dosage 2% - 5%. Three. Packaging and storage note 1. Two layers of packaging, outer for three-in-one sacks, lining for high strength film bags. 25kg net weight of each package. 2. Transport, storage, extrusion prevention in the rain. 3. Be valid for two years.
ZhengZhaoGuo henan MingTai chemical Co., LTD
Phone: 0393-2698585
Phone: 13700803703
Fax: 0393-2216206
E-mail: hnmingtai@163.com
Address: MingTai puyang city henan province industrial front county