Peanut Peeling and Separating Machine 花生半粒机是花生米脱皮分瓣的专用设备,具有脱皮、分瓣、去芽、筛选分级四重功能,自动化程度高、破瓣率高、噪音小、无污染等特点。本机带有吸尘装置和振动筛,吸尘装置可以吸掉花生红衣皮,振动筛可以有效的去掉花生芽胚,从而分离成理想的花生半粒。
Peanut peeling and separating machine is a special equipment to peel and separate the peanut. It is a four-purpose machinery( peeling, separating, removing sprout, grading ), and has the advantages of high degree of automation, high two-piece rate, low noise and no pollution. Moreover, this machine is equipped with dust exhaust device (it can exhaust the red coat) and vibration sieve (it can remove effectively the peanut's sprout) to achieve high two-piece rate. 型号 Type 额定电压 Rated Voltage
频率 Frequency (HZ)
功率 Power (kw) 产量 Output (kg/h)
外形尺寸 Overall Dimension
(mm) 重量 Weight (kg) HBL 380±10﹪
50 4.1 800-1000 4100*900*2600 1000