R/bak衬垫 |
从事瓦楞纸箱行业的人士,对于R/bak这个罗杰斯公司旗下的品牌都不陌生。在大家的眼中,R/bak气垫式衬版已不仅仅是一种产品,更是一种技术的引领者和代名词。印刷行业频道以R/bak气垫式衬版为核心的瓦楞后道薄版印刷技术,以及罗杰斯公司的产品定位与推广。 |
P/bak气垫式衬垫 P/bak air cushion type gasket
Enhance the processing capacity
The edition weights more light and the processing time can be shorter.
Improve the printing speed and productivity
P/bak can accept adequate levels of printing speed,and can improve the production efficiency.
Extend forme’s life
R/bak can continue decrease impact and reduce forme attrition with less than 2% of compression and deformation rate,so it can extend forme’s life.
Reduce the wastage cost and improve efficiency
For the P/bak’s characteristics of continuous absorption the impact,the R/bak can reduce the mechanical forme’s attrition,and reduce the wastage of the element and waste.