公司名称: 河南省铭泰化工有限公司 英文名称: K-PAM【Potassium polyacrylate】 贸易信息: 价格:9000 元/吨包装:25kg/袋产地:河南濮阳供应地:濮阳市产品参数: CAS NO:65-4568-18 别名/化学名:聚丙烯酸钾/Potassium polyacrylate 分子式/结构式:Fdssc--gkkj/Potassium polyacrylate 分子量:800 密度(g/l):0.4658 含量(%):99 产品规格:25kg 产品品牌: 河南铭泰 详细说明: 一、功能及用途【Potassium polyacrylate】本产品是一种较好的井壁稳定剂,具有较强的抑制泥页岩及钻屑分散能力,并兼有降失水,改善流型等性能。它可与各种丙烯酰胺、丙烯腈盐类钻井液处理剂复配,并可在分散和不分散钻井液体中使用。现场推荐用量0.1-0.4%(重量/体积比)。注:根据用户要求,分子量控制在表格所定指标的范围内根据市场价格面议 二、质量指标指 标 名 称 指 标 外观 白色或黄色自由流动粉未 分子量 300万以上 固含量 大于90% 粒度 420UM 溶解性 在室温电磁搅拌下,配成0.5%的水溶液,溶解时间小于2小时 氯化钾 视需而定 相对膨胀率 ≤35% 水解度 30%±5% 三、包装运输外用塑料编织袋,内封薄膜袋,密封包装,包装袋上印有代号、产品名称、生产厂家、生产日期与批号、每袋净重25kg。 贮运中置放于阴凉通风处,切勿散包,谨防潮湿。 A, function and purpose This product is a better sidewall stabilizers, with strong inhibiting clay shale and drilling cuttings scattered ability, and came to dehydrate, improving both properties such as flow pattern. It can and various acrylamide, acrylonitrile salt mud treatment and can be used in blends with scattered and not used in drilling fluid scattered. Site recommended dosage 0.1-0.4% (weight/volume ratio). Note: according to user requirements, molecular weight control in form within the scope of the appointed index according to the market price negotiable Second, quality index Refers to the standard name refers to the standard Appearance white or yellow powder flow freely Molecular weight 300 million above Solid content than 90% Grain size 420UM Solubility in room temperature under electromagnetic stirring the water solution made up 0.5%, less than 2 hours dissolved Potassium chloride depending on the need to and decide More than 35% relative inflation 30% + 5% hydrolysis degree Third, the packing and shipping Topical plastic sacks, NaFeng film bags, sealing packing, bags are printed on the code, the product name, manufacturers, date of production and batch number, net weight of each bag is 25 kg. In the shipping pack in a cool, ventilated place, do not materil, beware of damp.
检 验 报 告
项目 | 要求 | 实验结果 |
外观 | 白色或黄色自由流动粉未 | 白色自由流动粉末 |
分子量≥ | 800万 | 800万 |
固含量 | ≥ 95% | 95 |
相对膨胀率 | ≤35% | 34 |
水解度 | 30%±5% | 32 |
溶解时间(min) | ≤120 | 90 |
钾含量% | ≥11.0% | 11 |
氯离子含量 | ≤1.0% | 1.0 |
岩心线膨胀降低数 | ≥40.0% | 42 |
特性粘数 | 100ml/g
≥6.0 | 6.5 |
审核:刘朋 检验:张莉