Brief Introduction:This production line consist of GDLP Automatic Bottle Unscrambler, GDXG Bottle Washing Machine, GDHX Tunnel Type Sterilization Drier, GDGNX series eyedrop filling machine, GDDJ series light inspection machine, GDTL type vertical labeling units, can complete bottle, water, gas cleaning, drying and ozone disinfection, filling, stoppered, capping, labeling, mainly used in eye drops and other small doses of solution, also can produce coded single independently.
特点: Characteristic:
本机组是我公司同国外同行合作研 The production line is a third generation 制的第三代产品。其设计结构合理, product created from our cooperation with 运行稳定、灌装精度高,具国内同行 abroad. It with reasonable structure, higher 业先进水平。完全符合GMP标准。 precision in filling, reaching the advanced
level in domestic same business. Meet with
requirement of GMP standard completely.
GDLP型全自动理瓶机系最新设 GDLP Automatic Bottle Unscrambler is a newly计,只要将瓶子杂乱无章的倒 designed machine, it can arrange disorderly and进料桶内就可以自动送出导轨。 unsystematic bottle and send them to orbit.
GDXG系列滚筒式洗瓶机结构独 GDXG Bottle Washing Machine has unique 特,采用两边或多边形滚筒做 structure, which adopting polygonal roller. two间歇回转,可选择两水一气和 times water one time air and three times water三水两气,清洗工艺合理,洁净 two times air or more is optional. Scientific能力高,耗水量小。维护方便。 washing process, high cleanliness, low
water consumption, simple operation and easy maintenance.
臭氧灭菌烘干机的加热部分和 GDHX Tunnel Type Sterilization Drier's heating臭氧发生器均为自动控制。有 part and ozone is controlled automatically. 完整的百级层流净化系统(包 Complete 100-class laminar flow(include air
括进风口和冷却段),确保一个 inlet and cooling segment) to ensure clean
洁净的工作环境。 workspace.
GDGNX系列眼药水灌装旋盖 GDGNX series eyedrop filling capping machine is机已是我公司的第三代产品, a third generation product, human-machine
人机界面控制,蠕动泵灌装, interface operation, filling by peristaltic pump,
由真空吸附机械手代替气缸 replace air cylinder with vacuum drived
更好的保打塞,证了稳定性 manipulator for plugging, aquire higher
和合格率。采用恒距旋盖, stability and percent of pass. Constant torque具有无瓶不灌装、无塞不上 cap screwing. No bottle no filling, no plug no盖,无瓶无塞可自动停机的 capping and automatically stop if cap and
功能。 plug is under-supply.
主要计数参数: Main Technical Parameters:
适用规格:2 -30ml Filling Capacity Range: 2-30ml
生产能力:40-60瓶/分 Productivity: 40-60bot/min
80-120瓶/分 80-120bot/min
电源:380V/50Hz Power Supply: 380V/50Hz
总功率:5.5kw Total Power: 5.5kw
用水量:450L/h Water Wastage: 450L/h
用水压力:0.3Mpa Water Pressure: 0.3Mpa
洁净压缩空气用量:300L/min Compressed Air Wastage: 300L/min
洁净压缩空气压力:0.15-0.3Mpa Compressed Pressure: 0.15-0.3Mpa
外形尺寸:10000×1500×1900mm Dimension: 10000×1500×1900mm