After investigation indicated that general effect of the show is perfect. Exhibitor satisfaction has made progress than the last congress. In general, this exhibition held very successfully.
Below is a full investigation of exhibitor and visitor.
Investigation of exhibitor
According to investigation after the show, most of the exhibitors were all satisfied with the show. Many companies have already established good relation with ideal cooperation partners. Logistics equipment exhibitors' satisfaction rate was 88%, software technology exhibitors' satisfaction rate was 87.5%, others satisfaction rate was 87%, the average satisfaction rate was 87.5%. 86% of the exhibitors still want to take part in 2013 exhibition. 8% of the exhibitors can think about this event next year. 6% of the exhibitors do not say yes or no.
Exhibitors showed our service is good as a whole and had large improvement than last year. But some meticulous service needed to strengthen. For example, some exhibitors didn't receive our SMS in time when move-out and bring lots of inconvenient.
Investigation of visitor
During and after the show, organizer arranged our staff do sample survey of visitors to improve our work in 2013. Lots of the enthusiastic visitors provided their invaluable advice and comments. Regarding the channels of obtaining information, purpose of visiting, assessment of exhibition will be explained by legend as below:
1 The channels of obtaining information
The channels of obtaining information were 32.65% of Internet; 18.36% of invitation; 17.08% of friends and coterie's introduction; 1.80% of television and broadcasting; 7.43% of association; 2.46% of newspaper; 7.57% of magazine; 12.64% of others.
2 Assessment of visitor
According to the statistics, 77.80% of the visitors have achieved the anticipated results, 19.20% of the visitors have got satisfactory effect in show, 3.00% of the visitors didn't accomplish the purpose desired. Foreign visitors considered less top companies show in our exhibition site. Besides, 51% of the visitors consider more products regarding the logistics equipment should show in next show, involve a whole logistics equipment and technology