■ 坚固耐用,佩戴舒适帖耳,话音清晰。
■ 采用滤噪型单指向麦克风,抗噪效果达到呼叫中心环境的严格要求。
■ 咪臂采用金属鹅颈管材料,坚固耐用且可以任意定位麦克风位置。
■ 可调节旋转头夹可按需要调节位置,减少挤压感。
■ 转柄部位支持345°旋转,耳机可左右耳交换佩戴。
■ 线缆采用PU雾面线材料,加抗拉纤维丝具有抗拉伸作用。
■ 防滑材质的耳机皮套,其设计满足呼叫中心的严格要求。
■ 09新款贝恩品牌超低价格电话耳机,适合于大多数电话机。
BP125 E hard heavy duty light structure Chien, harsh use condition in the suitable for call sign center.The adoption lately declines noise and enlarges a technique and points to microphone with list to match each other, can effectively shield a noisy miscellaneous sound and talk clear.Can vividly regulate ear dish, make your headphones stick more to match your ear, the comfortable feeling attains the most ideal status.The suitable call sign center whole day uses.
Product Features Introduce :
1. The headset is durable, comfortable.
2. The adoption filters Zao type single direction microphone, the anti- Zao effect attains the strict request of environment in the call sign center.
3. The strengthened metal gooseneck makes this headphone more firm, durable, and it can be adjusted freely.
4. The adjustable stanza revolves a head to clip to press to need to regulate position, the decrease squeezes feeling.
5. Turn handle supports 345 °rotating .
6. The cable adopts PU fog fine noodles material and adds an anti- to pull fiber silk to have an anti- to pull to stretch a function.
7. The headphones skin of the antiskid material set, its design satisfies the strict request of call sign center.
8.09 new style of shell boon brand super low price space telephone headphones, suited for majority of telephones.