BP125D 双耳式话务耳机
BP125D双耳式立体声话务耳机音质清晰,让使用者即使在人多嘈杂的办公环境中也能享受到的通话质量。定向性灵活的鹅颈管麦克风杆,新颖的活动耳盘设计提供了更大的耳机灵活性,佩戴舒适,并与USB 耳机适配器兼容。
■ 双耳机式立体声话务耳机、音质清晰、佩戴舒适。
■ 采用滤噪型单指向麦克风,通话清晰明了。
■ 咪臂采用金属鹅颈管材质,可任意弯曲定位调节。
■ 头戴部位钢条长短调节,提升耳机佩戴时的舒适感。
■ 柔软耳垫双耳使用起来更舒适。
■ 配专业的QD连接线,保护电话机接口,方便插拔使用。
■ 线缆采用PU雾面线材料,加抗拉纤维丝具有抗拉伸作用。
BP125 D double ear type high fidelity words duty the headphones sound quality is clear, let user even if transact at much abuzz persons can also enjoy the best converse quality in the environment.The goose neck that the definite direction soul lives takes care of a microphone pole, the novel movable ear dish design provided greater headphones vivid, wear comfort, and Be proper to go together with a machine and permit with USB headphones.
Product Features Introduce :
1. Double the headphones type is high fidelity words duty headphones, clear sound quality, wear comfort.
2. The adoption filters Zao type single direction microphone, converse clear to understand.
3. The strengthened metal gooseneck makes this headphone more firm and durable.
4. Wear part steel bar length to regulate.Promote comfortable feeling for wearing headphones.
5. Soft ear cushion ears use up more comfortable.
6. Go together with a professional QD conjunction line, protect a telephone to connect, the convenience puts to pull out an use.
7. The cable adopts PU fog fine noodles material and adds an anti- to pull fiber silk to have an anti- to pull to stretch a function.