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TDA7498L是80W+80W双BTL D类音频放大器,主要用在家庭影院和有源扬声器. TDA7498L单电源10-36V工作,效率高达90%,增益设定为25.6 dB, 31.6 dB, 35.1 dB和37.6 dB。采用PowerSSO-36封装。
80 W + 80 W output power at THD = 10% with RL = 6ohm ?and VCC = 32 V
Wide range single supply operation (10 - 36 V)
High efficiency (?= 90%)
Four selectable, fixed gain settings of nominally 25.6 dB, 31.6 dB, 35.1 dB and 37.6 dB
Differential inputs minimize common-mode noise
Standby and mute features
Short-circuit protection
Thermal overload protection
Externally synchronizable