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TDA7492是市场上首款额定功率50W+50W的放大器,采用支持单片集成模拟、逻辑和高压功能的先进的第六代BCD6S制程 (双极/CMOS/DMOS)。与其它的D类放大器相比,ST的BCD6S制程取得了更高芯片面积能效比,同时还降低了串扰,提高了音质。此外,BCD6S准许在高功率输出电路内集成NMOS和PMOS互补晶体管,省去了旧式制程所需的外部自举电容和阴极负载二极管。这种方法体系简化了设计,节省电路板空间,提高产品设计的可靠性,并优化了材料成本。
50 W + 50 W continuous output power atTHD = 10% with RL = 6 Ω and VCC = 25 V
40 W + 40 W continuous output power atTHD = 10% with RL = 8 Ω and VCC = 25 V
Wide-range single-supply operation (8 - 26 V)
High efficiency (η = 90%)
Four selectable, fixed gain settings of nominally 21.6dB, 27.6dB, 31.1 dB and 33.6dB
Differential inputs minimize common-mode noise
Standby and mute features
Short-circuit protection
Thermal overload protection
Externally synchronizable
ECOPACK?, environmentally-friendly package