40A 1200V MOSFET
银茂微电子发布用于高压工业应用的创新SiC MOSFET系列,继续保持在碳化硅解决方案领域的地位.新的碳化硅 (SiC) MOSFET器件与SiC功率模块相辅相成,显着提升高压应用的系统效率,并提供最大功效,帮助客户开发更轻、更小、更可靠的系统设计. 全新碳化硅(Silicon Carbide, SiC) MOSFET产品系列 ─ 1200V解决方案。这系列创新SiC MOSFET器件设计用于效率至关重要的大功率工业应用,包括用于太阳能逆变器、电动汽车、焊接和医疗设备的解决方案。银茂微电子的专利 SiC MOSFET技术特性包括 : 同级最佳的RDS(on)对比温度 。超低栅极电阻,最大限度减小开关能耗 ,出色的最大开关频率, 卓越的稳定性和出色的短路耐受性。银茂微电子SiC MOSFET还可以集成进公司扩展的IGBT/MOSFET功率模块中,用于电池充电、航空航天、太阳能、焊接和其它大功率工业应用。新的功率模块具有更高的工作频率并提升了系统效率。
Current solution
1. For example, in one of our customer’s MP products, they are using 8* SOT227 MOS 38N100(in parallel)*4(4H bridge)=32pcs to build one 50KW module, each SOT227 MOS is anti-paralleLED with one external SOT227 FRD.
2. The average current flows thru each 38N100 device is 15A.
3. The max operating frequency is around 600khz- The operating frequency is related to the material which induction heating machine is made to process with- Customer is keen on >1mhz solution.
4. Water cooling system, the max case temperature of heat sink is 50 degree.Ø System benefit from SiC MOS solution
We suggest to put 2*80mohm MOS + 2* 10A 1200V SBD in one SOT227 package, which expected to replace at least 4pcs 38N100 device(2MOS+2FRD)
1. Higher system efficiency!
2. Smaller heat sink, much easier for thermal design! Especially for the SO227 device near the outlet of water cooling system.
3. Only have 1/4 device to process, at lease shrink the PCB area by half. Double the power density!
4. Be able to raise the operating frequency to >1mhz!
Customer could even get all the benefit with less system cost!!!
QQ:597298353 MOB: 138 26 967 967