1. Metal release 金属释放
a. FDA 7117.06 (1998) & 7117.07 (1992)
b. California Prop65 (Inner, total or rim immerse ?)
-- Inner immersion
-- Total immersion
-- Lip/Rim immersion
c. Lip/Rim (SGCD C927-89) ASTM C927-80
d. ISO 6486-1&2:1999
e. BS 7557 for coated material
f. ISO 4531-1 & 2 (Vitreous porcelain and enamels)
g. ISO 7036-1 & 2 (Glass hollow ware)
h. UK metal release BS 6748
i. EN 1388-1&2:1995
j. 84/500/EC & 2005/31/EC
k. Canadian metal release
l. Korea Requirement(Pb,Cd, As)
m. Sb & As extra on metal release solutions
n. Metal release other countries for Pb & Cd only
o. New Zealand Food Regulation 1984(Pb,Cd,Sb,As)
p. Norway Requirement(Pb,Cd,Sb,Ba)
q. Glazed ceramic of Australia
-- BS4860-part2:1972 for Cooking ares
-- BS4860-part1:1972 for tableware
2. Water absorption 吸水率
a. BS EN1217 1st
b. BS EN1217 each subsequent item in batch
3. Crazing resistance (BS EN 13258: 2003 Method A) 裂纹阻力
4. Impact test 冲击试验
a. Edge chipping (BS EN12980)
b. Handle Strength (CERAM PT32)
c. Center impact ASTM C368:1988
5. Thermal shock endurance 热震耐久性
b. EN 1183:1997 Method B
6. Metal marking
7. Dishwashing
a. Resistance to dishwasher detergents WW1
b. Dishwashing EN 12875-4:2006
c. 5 cycles
Each subsequent item in same batch
d. 10 cycles
Each subsequent item in same batch
e. 25 cycles
Each subsequent item in same batch
f. 50 cycles
Each subsequent item in same batch
8. Microwave safe 微波炉使用安全
- First item in batch
- Each subsequent item in batch
d. BS EN 15284:2007 (Applicable for Ceramic, glass and plastic)
9. Translucency
a. Translucency box EN 1184: 1997 Method A
b. Translucency BS5416
10. Tabletop testing (CERAM PT35)
a. Glassware hand washing (64 cycles)
b. Lid fit
c. Water retention and assessment
d. Pouring
e. Knob/ handle temperature
f. Stability of free standing articles
11. Resistance to freezing and freezing to oven (CERAM PT36)
a. First item
b. Each subsequent item in batch
12. Resistance to freezer to microwave (CERAM PT37)
a. Freezer to Microwave each subsequent item in batch
13. Thermally toughened glass panels
a. Fragmentation test (BS 3193 : 1993)
b. Thermal shock test (BS 3193 : 1993)
14. Annealing on glass (ASTM C148-00 B and PT39)
15. Thermally toughened glass panels
a. Fragmentation test (BS 3193 : 1993)
b. Thermal shock test (BS 3193 : 1993)
18. Chemical Analysis: Phosphorous, Calcium contents
19. Cutlery and table hollowware (BS EN ISO 8842)
a. Requirement for cutlery for the preparation of food: part 1
b. Requirement for stainless steel and silver-plated cutlery : part 2
c. Requirement for silver-plated table&decorative hollowware:part3
d. Requirement for gold-plated cutlery: part 4
e. Specification for sharpness and edge retention test of cutlery: part
f. Lightly sliver plated table hollowware protected by lacquer: part
g. Requirements for table cutlery made of silver,
other previous metals and their alloys : part 7
h. Requirements for silver table decorative hollowware : part 8
20. Cookware-Domestic cookware for use on top of a stove, cooker
or hob-general requirement (BS EN 12983-1:2000)
a. General-Construction : Section 6
b. Handle-Construction : Section 7
c. Resistance to burning :Section 7.1
d. Heat resistance :Section 7.2
e. Torque resistance : Section 7.3
f. Banding Strength : Section 7.4
g. Fatigue resistance: Section 7.5
h. Thermal hazard : Section 7.6
21. Cookware-Ovenware for use in traditional domestic ovens
(BS EN 13834:2007)