卫生级组合阀 上海霏润机械设备有限公司专业生产,详情咨询【吴工\13918423898】
Sterile Combination valve
产品介绍Product Introduction:
According to the special demands of powder processing, combined with the different processing feature and function of Rotary Valve and Butterfly Valve , the new developed Combination valve give full scope to different features of System technology about the Rotary Valve and Butterfly Valve and it realize the rationing by the most economical way.
a) 应用于计量称重系统,可实现精确计量 ;
Apply to the weighing system, High accuracy
b) 装料和卸料可一步完成 Charging & Discharging can be finished at the same time.
c) 主要应用在制药、食品、化妆品以及精细化工等行业
It is main used in pharmaceutical, foodstuff, cosmetics and fine chemicals industries.
产品特点Product Features:
★ 机构紧凑,光洁度高,易安装操作和控制;
Compact in frame, Good surface finishing, Facilitated in Installation, Operation & Controlling
★ 适用于真空和高压环境 ;
Apply to the vacuum and high pressure conditions.
★ 可按GMP卫生级要求设计制造;
The production is designed and manufactured on the basis of GMP standard.
★ 适用于输送粉体、颗粒和胶壮物;
Apply to convey the powder, capsule, grai。