卫生级气动转阀 上海霏润机械设备有限公司竭诚为您服务,服务热线【吴工\13918423898】
Sterile Rotary Valve
产品介绍Product Introduction:
The Application of this product can realize the quantitative feeding, and avoid that the overmuch material block up the Grinding and granulate machine and than damage the machine. By the controlling of PZVT-120-SEC, it can well control the feeding amount to the Grinding and granulate machine.
The Valve Spool of this product is installed on the exit of Hopper. In the cylindrical channel of valve body, the peculiar radial blade revolve (180 degrees) around the axis in either of two opposite directions. It's for regular baiting and effectively preventing the material leakage.
产品特点 Product Features:
★ 结构简单,便于清洁 ;
Simple structure, Convenient cleaning
★ 光洁度高,优于传统的“星形阀”;
Good surface finishing, better than traditional "Star Type Valve"
★ 只有在关闭位置,转阀才停止转动,可防止物料泄露 ;
Just on the Closed position, the Rotary Valve will be stopped. It can avoid the material leakage
★ 由于接触面小,粉体与密封圈摩擦力小,使用更省力无需润滑剂;
Because of the small interface, the frictional force between powder with sealing is very small, and than, it will be used more save effort and no need lubricant
★ 不需要润滑剂 ;
No need lubricant
★ 符合CIP和GMP要求;
Meet the CIP & GMP demands
★ 可连续供料 ;
Keeping the feeding
★ 当阀门关闭时可承受一定的正压或负压。
It can work under pressure or suction when the Valve be closed.