3M™ XYZ-Axis Electrically Conductive Adhesive Transfer Tape(ECATT) 9725 is an isotropically electrical conductive
tape. It consists of conductive acrylic pressure sensitive adhesiveloaded with conductive nonwoven. The result is a doublesided
tape providing both high adhesion and very good electricalconductivity. The conductive nonwoven in 3M ECATT
9725 also provides improved handling characteristics.
3M ECATT 9725 conducts electricity through the thickness (Z-axis)and in the plane of the adhesive (X, Y planes), it is
ideal for EMI shields and EMI gasket attachment to electronic andelectrical devices. It may be used with many types of
foil laminate shields to provide a customized shielding solution.This tape may also be used to attach conductive
fabric/foam core EMI gaskets to electronic cabinetry.