一、 产品特性
二、 推荐用途
﹡ 办公室/洁净室/工作站 ﹡制造业 ﹡包装箱
粘贴工作规程记录 静电屏蔽封口袋 包和容器的密封/粘附封液管
粘接和密封物品 保形涂层/面 转移污染物
辅助保护,遮蔽应用等 粘接和密封物品 堆货标识
三、 技术指标
编 号 | 规格 | 带基说明 带基厚度 | 厚 度 (密耳mils) /(毫米mm) | 解开胶带时 产生的静电 10%相对湿度\ 50%相对湿度 | 从不锈钢表面撕下胶带时产生的静电 10%相对湿度\ 50%相对湿度 | 表面电阻,胶粘剂 10%相对湿度/ 欧姆ESD协会S11.1 | 断 裂强 度 (磅lb/寸in) (牛顿N/10毫米mm) | 断裂伸张度(%) | 对钢的粘附力 (盎司oz/寸in) (牛顿n/10毫米mm) |
#40 | 609.6MM*66M | 聚酯薄膜 1mil | 2.2/0.05 | 20/5 | 50/5 | >1×10<1×10 | 20/35 | 100 | 15/1.7 |
3Mä 40 Printed and Unprinted Antistatic Utility Tapes
represent a breakthrough in PSA tape technology. This
new tape, which generates less than 50 volts on unwind
and removal from stainless steel, helps prevent ESD
damage to sensitive electronic components in
manufacturing environments. Triboelectric charge may
vary with your application and
Patented Technology
3M antistatic utility tape is a
transparent polyester film tape
with acrylic adhesive. Made with a
proprietary technology, the tape
generates extremely low levels of
triboelectric charge when it is
unwound from the roll and also
when removed from most surfaces
on which it is placed. This makes
the tape an excellent choice for use
near electronic components and
assemblies. The tape is supplied on
36 yard and 72 yard rolls on 1” and
3” cores.
Superior Performance
3M antistatic utility tape can be
used at static-safeguard
workstations as part of your total
static control program. It
generates very low levels of static
charge even in dry conditions of
10% RH. The tape is supplied on a
paper core; antistatic plastic cores
are available to minimize
particulate contamination in clean work areas.
40 Printed for Protection
The tape is printed on the adhesive side with the 3M
logo and the ESD Protective Symbol. This reminds
workers that 40 tape is the only utility tape you allow in
static-safeguarded areas.