UL1571电子线 80℃ 30V PVC低铅低镉 说明: Description: ·导体:单条或绞线,祼铜或镀锡铜线 .Conductor: Solid or stranded, bare or tinned copper ·绝缘:PVC或半硬质PVC .insulation: Color coded PVC, or semi-rigid PVC(SR-PVC) 特性: Characteristics: ·额定温度:80℃ .Rated Temperature: 80℃ ·额定电压:30Volt .Voltage Rating: 30Volt ·可通过UL VW-1垂直耐燃测试 Uniform thickness of wire to ensure easy stripping and cutting ·使用标准厚度,易剥、裁断容易 Applications: 应用: .for internal wiring of electronic appliances ·用于一般电子、电器设备、收银机、计时器、医疗仪器 .for cash register, Time-recording machines electronic equipment and medical equipment