UL1617 PVC 加强型电子线 产品类别: PVC双绝缘电子线 Description: 额定温度: 105℃ Conductor: sOLID OR Stranded tinned copper 额定电压: 600V .insulation: PVC .Jacket: Color coded Pvc 试验电压: 2000V Characteristics: .Rated Temperature: 绝缘材质: PVC UL1617-105℃ .Voltage Rating:UL1617-600Volt. 导体材质: 裸铜/镀锡铜/镀银铜 .Passes UL VM-1 vertical flame test 应 用: 电子、电器设备内部连接 .Uniform thickness of wire to ensure easy stripping and cutting Applications: .Internal wiring of electronic and electrical equipment Construction: