一、 概述
基于Class 2功率等级的RG-BT10-06型近距离蓝牙模块,完全遵循Bluetooth V2.0蓝牙设计规范。模块内置锂电池充电线路,支持降压和升压两种类型的供电模式:降压型供电模式适应外部锂电池直接供电、升压型供电模式适应外部两节1.5V干电池直接供电。
本模块可专业集成蓝牙SPP协议,主要应用于蓝牙转RS232串口数据通讯及蓝牙无线数据采集与遥控。RG-BT10-06型近距离蓝牙模块是深圳市红果电子科技有限公司专业打造的第二代Class 2蓝牙精品,充分展示了公司在蓝牙应用领域具有前瞻性的战略眼光和由此产生的新技术成果。
●尺寸大小:27.5 x 13.2 x 2(mm)
●遵循Bluetooth V2.0蓝牙规范
●支持低耗模式: Park, Sniff, Hold和Deep Sleep
管脚序号 | 名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
1 | UART_TX | internal pull-up | UART Data output |
2 | UART_RX | internal pull-down | UART Data input |
3 | UART_CTS | internal pull-down | UART clear to send, active low |
4 | UART_RTS | weak internal pull-up | UART request to send, active low |
5 | PIO12 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
6 | PIO13 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
7 | PIO14 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
8 | PIO15 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
9 | PIO16 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
10 | PIO17 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
11 | PIO18 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
12 | VDD | Normal external power supply: 3.3V | |
13 | GND | VSS | Ground |
14 | PIO19 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
15 | I2C_SCL | I2C master clock | Programmable input/output line |
16 | I2C_SDA | I2C master data | Programmable input/output line |
17 | ICE_TX | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | UART output, used only in test mode |
18 | ICE_RX | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | UART output, used only in test mode |
19 | PIO20 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
20 | PIO21 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
21 | GND | VSS | Ground |
22 | GND | VSS | Ground |
23 | PIO0 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
24 | PIO1 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
25 | PIO2 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
26 | PIO3 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
27 | PIO4 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
28 | PIO5 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
29 | PIO6 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
30 | PIO7 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
31 | PIO8 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
32 | PIO9 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
33 | PIO10 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |
34 | PIO11 | Enable internal pull-up or pull-down | Programmable input/output line |