The Stromme Maxi-Jet
Small air/water nozzles are easy to carry around, but will only flush down the easy deposits.
Powerful cleaning equipment is required for cost-effective removal of oil stains, hardened cement, lime etc. The Maxi-Jet will increase the cleaning effect by 10-15 times compared with normal water nozzles. It is the most powerful hold-cleaning equipment for use from tank top level. This has been made possible by an accurate venturi system, the use of compressed air and maximum amounts of water. Even rust scales
Master MV “Spar Vega”
We have used the Maxi-Jet for cleaning of the holds. I will say it is an excellent machine. It is very easy to use. Very safe. Just two men can clean the complete hold to high levels. Really time saver!
The Stromme Maxi-jet
去除油污、水泥、石灰需要大功率的清洗设备,The Stromme Maxi-jet 比普通清洗设备节省10-15 分钟。它是清洗货仓顶部的最佳设备,有精确的配管系统,压缩空气以喷出最大量的水柱,即使是铁锈也可以被冲掉。
我们使用了Maxi-jet 清洗货仓,我要说它使用起来非常容易且安全。用来那个人便可以完成清洗。
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