The Stromme Combi-Jet
The Combi-Jets are easily rigged and handled, and the air/venturi system boosts the water pressure. It is equipped with a tripod and a platform to deal with the recoil, unlike small hand held nozzles and nozzles with tripod only. Needless to say, the less recoil the less cleaning power. After unloading cargoes such as coal and iron-ore, cleaning times for main deck areas can also be drastically reduced.
The Stromme Combi-Jet
The Stromme Combi-Jet 的制作简单,水压大。它不同于手握的喷沫器,The Stromme Combi-Jet具有很强的后坐力,因此这个设备配有一个三脚架和一个平台,我们都知道后坐力越小喷射力越低。在卸掉像煤炭、铁矿石这样的货物后,使用它则清洗货仓的时间就会有大幅的减少。
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