超Class 1功率等级的RG-BT1800-04型超远距离蓝牙模块,采用了世界上的蓝牙芯片供应商CSR(Cambridge Silicon Radio)公司的BlueCore4-External蓝牙芯片,完全遵循Bluetooth V2.0 + EDR蓝牙规范。具有全速USB和UART主设备接口,音频接口支持I2S、PCM及SPDIF协议。
RG-BT1800-04型超远距离蓝牙模块是深圳市红果电子技术有限公司专业打造的高于Class I功率等级的蓝牙精品,充分展示了公司在高频PCB板设计、防EMI电磁辐射、射频微带天线阻抗控制及射频功放领域的技术成果。RG-BT1800-04型超远距离蓝牙模块灵敏度高、低功耗、体积轻巧。在空旷、无遮挡的环境下,配适当增益的2.4G射频天线,同功率等级的模块点对点传输距离可达1800多米。IPEX-SMD微型天线接口可直接外挂2.4G射频天线。
一、 特征
●A single chip radio and baseband IC for Bluetooth 2.4GHz
●Fully Qualified Bluetooth v2.0+EDR,Enhanced Data Rate(EDR)compliant with v2.0.E.2 of specification for both 2Mbps and 3Mbps modulation modes.
●Integrated 15-bit Linear 8KHz Sample Frequency Audio CODEC in one chip
●Full Speed Bluetooth Operation with Full Piconet
●Standard HCI(UART or USB)
●Multi-configurable I2S, PCM or SPDIF Interface
●Support for 802.11 Co-Existence
●UART interface with programmable baud rate,Maximum baud rate:3686400bps
●Scatternet Suppor
●RoHS Compliant
●低电压电源,2.7V to 3.6V
●支持低耗模式: Park, Sniff, Hold和Deep Sleep
管脚序号 | 名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
1 | AGND | VSS | Analog Ground |
2 | VPA | Power Supply | 3.3V (+) supply Power for External RF Amplifier |
3 | PIO11 | Bi-directional strength internalwith programmable pull-up/down | Programmable Input/Output Line |
4 | AIO0 | Bi-directional | Analogue / programmable input/output line |
5 | AIO1 | Bi-directional | Analogue / programmable input/output line |
6 | RESET | CMOS input with weak internal pull-up | internal pull-up Reset if low. Input debounced so must be low for >5ms to cause a reset |
7 | SPI_MISO | CMOS output, tri-state, with weak internal pull-down | SPI data output Chip select for SPI, active low |
8 | SPI_CSB | CMOS input with weak internal pull-up | Chip select for SPI, active low |
9 | SPI_CLK | CMOS input with weak internalpull-down | SPI Clock |
10 | SPI_MOSI | CMOS input with weak internal pull-up | SPI Data Input |
11 | UART_CTS | CMOS input with weak internal pull-down | UART clear to send |
12 | UART_TX | CMOS output, tri-state, with weak internal pull-down | UART data input |
13 | UART_RTS | CMOS output, tri-state, with weak internal pull-down | UART ready to send |
14 | UART_RX | CMOS input with weak internal pull-down | UART data output |
15 | PIO10 | Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down | Programmable Input/Output Line |
16 | VDD | Power Supply | 3.3V (+) supply with On-chip lnput within 3.0~3.3V |
17 | GND | VSS | Ground |
18 | AIO2 | Bi-directional | Analogue /Programmable/Input/Output Line |
19 | GND | VSS | Ground |
20 | PCM_OUT | CMOS output, tri-state, with weak internal pull-down | PCM Data Output |
21 | PCM_SYNC | Bi-directional with weak internal pull-down | PCM Data Strobe |
22 | PCM_IN | CMOS input, with weak internal pull-down | PCM Data Input |
23 | PCM_CLK | Bi-directional with weak internal pull-down | PCM Data Clock |
24 | USB_DP | Bi-directional | USB Data+ with selectable internal 1.5k pull-up resistor |
25 | USB_DN | Bi-directional | USB Data- |
26 | PIO7 | Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down | Programmable Input/output line |
27 | PIO6 | Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down | Programmable input/output line |
28 | PIO5 | Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down | Programmable input/output line |
29 | PIO4 | Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down | Programmable input/output line |
30 | PIO3 | Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down | Programmable Input/Output Line |
31 | PIO2 | Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down | Programmable Input/Output Line |
32 | PIO9 | Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down | Programmable Input/Output Line |
33 | PIO8 | Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down | Programmable Input/Output Line |
34 | GND | VSS | Analog Ground |
35 | RF | Analogue | Transmitter out and receiver input |
36 | GND | VSS | Analog Ground |