STR-Environmental protection wind cycle recovery sandblast room designsketch
Composition of the sandblasting (shot) room system
1、工作室 Studio
2、喷砂系统 Sandblasting system
3、磨料回收系统 Abrasive recycle system
4、除尘系统 Dust removal system
5、工件输送系统 Workpiece conveying system
6、控制系统 Control system
7、照明系统 Lighting system
◆适用范围 Applicable scope
Large castings and forgings welding steel structure, transformer oil tank, engineering machinery, locomotives, boiler manufacturing, chemical machinery, ship building blast cleaned, etc.
◆产品特点 Product features
Sandblasting room is our company in introducing foreign advanced cell technology based on the floor, , the development, the design of the environmental protection cellular gush arenaceous (shot) room by ourselves, according to customers' product characteristics, sandblasting design requirements, etc. Cellular floor gush arenaceous room is the wind power by fan for abrasive materials, will back through the pipe to cyclone separator suction of separation and finally into gush arenaceous system recycling.
1. Omitted conventional Sandblasting room sand conveying coal circulation system, screw conveyor a pattern lift machine and underground project, no need to build the pit and save foundation pit construction cost, greatly reduce the project cost;
2. high abrasive recycle efficiency, easy to change abrasive;
3. The main electrical components are imported products, have the stable performance, safety and reliability, long life, easy maintenance;
4. Sandblasting room inside has high-resolution visibility, Chambers fill the wind, save energy natural consumption;
5. This machine use double levels of dust removing, the first level is the cyclone separator, the second type is filter dust removal system. Its total removal efficiency may reach above 99.99%;
6. In sandblasting room roof, equipped with a "positive upper sound-light alarm system", in the room, sandblasting with abrupt stop call button;
7. The electric control system uses interlock control, while one system malfunction, related system are to stop working, stop spraying gun;
8. Building decoration design room body appearance, simple , beautiful, standard, good noise reduction result and convenient installation. 从国家发改委了解到,《当前国家鼓励发展的环保产业设备(产品)目录(2010年版)》日前由发改委和环保部联合发布,部分设备将获政策支持。 与此同时,工信部也在加紧制定“十二五”环保装备发展规划,着力于将政策措施落到实处,使企业能够享受到实实在在的好处。 而这份由发改委和环保部联合发布的《目录》明确,将燃煤电站脱硝装备、工业窑炉烟气脱硫装备、电袋复合除尘设备纳入鼓励领域,并增加了一批具有自主知识产权、有较高技术含量的设备作为鼓励发展重点。 相关部委明确,企业技术改造项目凡使用目录中的国产设备,将享受投资抵免企业所得税的优惠政策;对企业使用目录中的国产设备实行折旧政策。企业使用目录中的国产设备,经企业提出申请,报主管税务机关批准后,可实行加速折旧办法。 记者了解到,为引导环保产业发展方向,相关部门将在技术创新和技术改造项目中,重点鼓励开发、研制、生产和使用列入目录的设备(产品);对符合条件的国家重点项目,将给予适当补助。 对此,中投顾问环保行业研究员侯宇轩指出,政府的财政支持将极大改善环保设备裹足不前的状况,为企业和研发单位创造更稳定的发展空间。 长期以来,因为技术不达标,我国的环保设备通常都是引用国外的先进设备,国产设备发展参差不齐。 中投顾问总监张砚霖指出,明确而完整的政策支持将会为环保设备的发展起到重大作用。环保机械作为机械工业中富有活力的新兴行业,应该是我国机械工业优化产业结构调整中重点发展的领域。 中投顾问的报告还预测,到2010年,我国环保产业总产值将达到8800亿元,约占同期年GDP的3.4%,环保装备产值达到1200亿元,占13.6%,我国的环保机械行业已经成为发展潜力巨大的朝阳产业。 斯特尔机械也积极响应国家号召,已经研发出多种环保型表面处理设备,例如:环保型喷砂机、无尘喷砂机、环保型喷砂房、环保型自动流水线、全封闭式喷砂房,低噪音喷砂房,低能耗喷砂房等等一系列环保产品,参与国家节能减排的号召,为改善我们的生活环境做出 贡献!!