1、 型号:ZFQ Type: ZFQ
2、 用途:长管蒸发器是列管式换热设备。在食用油脂加工过程中其作用是通过加热使混合油中的溶剂汽化分离,从而提高混合油的浓度,使溶剂得以回收循环使用。Function: long tube evaporator belongs to tubular heat exchange equipment. In the process of edible oils and fats processing, solvent in miscella vaporized and separated by using the method of heating miscella, thereby increases miscella concentration, and enables the solvent to be recycled for circulating use
3、 适用范围:广泛适用于油脂制取、化工、医药、石化等行业无腐蚀性的不同介质间的换热。Applicable scope: It is widely used in heat exchange of different media without corrosive of oils and fats production, chemical industry, pharmaceutical, petrochemical etc enterprises.
4、 性能特点:设备操作简单、维护方便,蒸发时液体成薄膜状态,液体流动阻力小,故传热效果好,蒸发效率高,同时,混合油在设备内加热时间短,蒸发速度快,对混合油的质量影响小。Performance characteristics: this equipment is easy to operate and maintain, the liquid evaporates into filminess during evaporation, and the liquid flow resistance is small, so the heat transfer effect is good, the evaporation efficiency is high. At the same time, the heating time of miscella in equipment is short, and the evaporation speed is fast, thus affects slightly to the miscella quality.
二、主要规格和技术参数Main specifications and technical parameters:
| 管程 Tube side | 壳程 Shell side |
设计压力(MPa) Design pressure | 0.08 | 0.65 |
设计温度(℃) Design temperature | 130 | 168 |
最高工作压力(MPa) Maximum working pressure | 0.07 | 0.6 |
工作温度(℃)Working temperature | 95 | 165 |
工作介质 Working medium | 混合油 | 饱和蒸汽 |
试验压力(MPa) Test pressure | 0.1 | 0.85 |
容器类别 Type | Ⅰ类 Class Ⅰ |